Sharon Osbourne at it again


Oct 14, 2003
She's so obnoxious. I wish she would crawl away somewhere and die.


SHARON OSBOURNE Blasts MOTHER TERESA: She Was An 'Ugly Old C*nt In Sandals' - Nov. 11, 2005 is reporting that Sharon Osbourne has launched a scathing verbal attack on the late Christian missionary Mother Teresa — because she is sickened by people who try to be "everything to everybody".

Osbourne, wife of BLACK SABBATH frontman Ozzy Osbourne, said she has no compassion for Mother Teresa, who died aged in 1997 aged 87.

She says, "Nobody is everything to everybody.

"I didn't like Mother Teresa. See? Somebody didn't like her. Ugly old cunt in sandals."

Osbourne named pop queen and Kabbalah devotee Madonna as one of three "nightmare" dinner guests, according to The Miami Herald.

"I would like to punch her," Osbourne told the British GQ. "She is so full of [bleep]. She's into Kabbalah one minute, she's a Catholic the next. She'll be a Hindu soon, no doubt."

Osbourne's other "nightmare" dinner guests included Mick Jagger and Bryan Ferry of ROXY MUSIC.

Osbourne, who is no stranger to the plastic surgeon's knife herself, also had some surprisingly harsh comments for some other stars who've allegedly been nipped and tucked.

"Melanie Griffith has destroyed herself,'' Osbourne said. "She was this lovely, fresh, blond Californian girl, and now she's just grotesque — it's so sad."

Of Mickey Rourke, she said, "God! He obviously hates himself, doesn't he? If you are constantly seeking approval and celebrity then it can do that to you, which is scary."

And regarding Michael Douglas: "Now that's another terrible face job. Christ. Poor old [bleep]"

Madonna's rep took the high road. "I'd sure love to have dinner with Bryan Ferry and Madonna anytime," said spokeswoman Liz Rosenberg. "I think they're two of the most fascinating people I've ever met. Don't know Jagger. And have no idea why Sharon Osbourne finds Madonna loathsome because she has found a form of spirituality which she has studied seriously for 10 years and that gives her serenity in her life."
Not sure why she feels the urge to attack Mother Teresa, who's been dead for 8 years. Madonna, I can understand.
Bounty Killer said:
I dont care what that bitch has to say... she fucking insulted Iron Maiden..She deserves to fuckin Die ..That SLUT!!!

Not really the basic UMOS language you use but.... I fully agree :loco:
Ehh, who cares? It's just Sharon spouting off in an interview, intentionally trying to be controversial. It's a publicity stunt. Notice it coincides with Ozzy's new cd of cover songs?

Besides, she's right about Mother Teresa. That woman was a devil in nun's wool.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Besides, she's right about Mother Teresa. That woman was a devil in nun's wool.

I'll admit that I know absolutely nothing about here... other than having just heard her name before. Can you explain why you would say this.... I'm not trying to give you shit, I just really don't know anything about her.
Yeah, go read the story in Unfaithful's post. That's only part of the story. I watched an episode of Penn and Teller's BULLSHIT last May when they dissected all the pain and torture that old woman inflicted just to martyr herself. It was an ugly story about a very ugly woman. It's not commonly known, but she was a huge blemish (among many) when it comes to the Catholic Church.
She's not the only facade in the church. My dad's church takes in "offerings" of over $500 a week, and that's only at one service....they have 4 a day. They claim it costs a lot to run a church, but they don't have heating/air conditioning. It makes me sick when such a large orginization can be so fucking corrupt.