Sharon Osbourne attacks Mother Theresa


All Knowing All Seeing
Jan 30, 2005
Las Vegas NV
According to blabbermouth: is reporting that Sharon Osbourne has launched a scathing verbal attack on the late Christian missionary Mother Teresa — because she is sickened by people who try to be "everything to everybody".

Osbourne, wife of BLACK SABBATH frontman Ozzy Osbourne, said she has no compassion for Mother Teresa, who died aged in 1997 aged 87.

She is quoted as saying, "Nobody is everything to everybody.

"I didn't like Mother Teresa. See? Somebody didn't like her. Ugly old c**t in sandals."


How much more white trash can one be??
That bitch is a wacko fuckin' clam.
But ya gotta give her props for saying this about Madonna:
"I would like to punch her," Osbourne told the British GQ. "She is so full of [bleep]. She's into Kabbalah one minute, she's a Catholic the next. She'll be a Hindu soon, no doubt."
Stupid undiciplined bitch. Whats next? Probably eventually turn on Ozzie like a German Shaeppard.
DeathsHead said:
According to blabbermouth: is reporting that Sharon Osbourne has launched a scathing verbal attack on the late Christian missionary Mother Teresa — because she is sickened by people who try to be "everything to everybody".

Osbourne, wife of BLACK SABBATH frontman Ozzy Osbourne, said she has no compassion for Mother Teresa, who died aged in 1997 aged 87.

She is quoted as saying, "Nobody is everything to everybody.

"I didn't like Mother Teresa. See? Somebody didn't like her. Ugly old c**t in sandals."


How much more white trash can one be??

Hahahahahaha, actually, O$$fest aside, that has made me laugh a whole damn lot!
Man i hate sharon now, Not that mother teresa was anything, Cause after watching Pen & Teller's Bullshit it kinda explained some things. But Sharon will just drop anyone, She's fucking stupid, Ozzy should smack her in the face. Once she dissess Anthrax I WILL COME AFTER HER!!! lmao.
Stupid fucking bitch. Why doesn't she just go all-out and appear on live television killing puppies by slamming them against walls?

I think only one thing will stop $haron the monster - that's a .44 caliber lobotomy. Of course, the only thing harder to find in that bitch's body than her brain would be her heart.
DeathsHead said:
According to blabbermouth: is reporting that Sharon Osbourne has launched a scathing verbal attack on the late Christian missionary Mother Teresa — because she is sickened by people who try to be "everything to everybody".

Osbourne, wife of BLACK SABBATH frontman Ozzy Osbourne, said she has no compassion for Mother Teresa, who died aged in 1997 aged 87.

She is quoted as saying, "Nobody is everything to everybody.

"I didn't like Mother Teresa. See? Somebody didn't like her. Ugly old c**t in sandals."


How much more white trash can one be??
hey, don't give white trash a bad name. as if I needed another reason to not go to ozzfest.
prime666 said:
Karma is a bitch. I'll see her in hell when I take over.. She will be sodomized by a crucifix/dildo wrapped in barbwire.
Wouldn't you rather do something that she wouldn't like?
CesspoolOfSkulls said:
Man i hate sharon now, Not that mother teresa was anything, Cause after watching Pen & Teller's Bullshit it kinda explained some things. But Sharon will just drop anyone, She's fucking stupid, Ozzy should smack her in the face. Once she dissess Anthrax I WILL COME AFTER HER!!! lmao.

I LOVE Penn & Teller's Bullshit! Penn & Teller have a special Sunday night on NBC, starting at 7:00 PM central time.
WHY oh GOD WHY is it not legal to beat women?!?!?!?!

Well, Sharon, I guess that makes you a stupid old cunt in dress shoes.

I am not even Christian, but what Mother Tehresa did was inspirational and selfless. A lot of people could learn from her. She devoted her life to helping people who were not fortunate. How does that make her "everything to everyone?" She never once tried to help the rich or the well off. Religious preference aside, she did everything she could to help the poor.

Sharon, WHY DID YOU NOT DIE OF CANCER? So many good people are taken from us each and every day, and you are still here? WTF, people, can't we just lynch her ass already?
At first I was offended by what was said but this Blabbermouth and until I see where this was allegedly said, I'm going to ignore it. I would think that someone saying something like that about Mother Theresa would make the news (remember Sinead O'Connor and the Pope's picture?). I don't care if she doesn't like Mother Theresa but calling her the 'c' word? I just can't even imagine someone saying that about her. But, if I find she did say that, it will be the last time I ever attend an Ozzfest or have anything to do with the Osbournes again.
I´ll save money for an Commanche gun-ship so Sharon can attack some small third world nation. I´m gonna spread a rumour that 10% of its citizens sneaked in on some Ozzfest-gig all dressed in Iron Maiden t-shirts and carrying small pictures of mother Theresa around their necks.