Shatterpoint - Dead Precedence
Power Play Records - 2007
By Adam McAuley
One can sense a modern aspect when listening to Shatterpoint. They have an accessible enough thrash style that has enough nuances to be interesting. See “Gone” for some moments that are expressed in a thoughtful fashion. The riffs are chunky and catchy in equal measure. There’s certainly a groove approach to the music that reminds strongly of Machine Head circa Burn My Eyes in particular. Fans of that band should find a lot to enjoy here. The band doesn’t sound like they’re completely rehashing material from Machine Head, however, and have their own distinctive personality.
The vocals are an aspect that differentiates this band from the style they seem to emulate. Some of the cleaner singing has its own flavour and sounds melodic rather than the tough guy bellows you’ll hear from people like Phil Anselmo, although his type of singing appears here as well. An example of these clean vocals can be found in the bonus song “When I Die”, which is one of the more memorable tracks to be found. Overall, Shatterpoint has a good feel on what type of a slant they want to take to their music and though it’s not perfect, there is plenty of quality metal to be found here. They have the feeling of being straight from the heart, honest musicians. This is welcomed when so much metal can sound fabricated. The band plays in a rigid scope that allows them to be somewhat innovative, but they don't overdo the expression of their musical talents.
There is the fault that this could be looked at as displaying a commercial mindset and though this is an issue, the band displays enough depth and variety to remain interesting. Certainly fans of a more streamlined sound will find a lot to enjoy here, although more adventurous listeners may be surprised from time to time as well. Dead Precendence is a very solid, though slightly flawed recording that will appeal to fans of Machine Head, Pantera and Only Living Witness.
Official Shatterpoint Website
Official Shatterpoint My Space
Official Power Play Records Website
Power Play Records - 2007
By Adam McAuley

One can sense a modern aspect when listening to Shatterpoint. They have an accessible enough thrash style that has enough nuances to be interesting. See “Gone” for some moments that are expressed in a thoughtful fashion. The riffs are chunky and catchy in equal measure. There’s certainly a groove approach to the music that reminds strongly of Machine Head circa Burn My Eyes in particular. Fans of that band should find a lot to enjoy here. The band doesn’t sound like they’re completely rehashing material from Machine Head, however, and have their own distinctive personality.
The vocals are an aspect that differentiates this band from the style they seem to emulate. Some of the cleaner singing has its own flavour and sounds melodic rather than the tough guy bellows you’ll hear from people like Phil Anselmo, although his type of singing appears here as well. An example of these clean vocals can be found in the bonus song “When I Die”, which is one of the more memorable tracks to be found. Overall, Shatterpoint has a good feel on what type of a slant they want to take to their music and though it’s not perfect, there is plenty of quality metal to be found here. They have the feeling of being straight from the heart, honest musicians. This is welcomed when so much metal can sound fabricated. The band plays in a rigid scope that allows them to be somewhat innovative, but they don't overdo the expression of their musical talents.
There is the fault that this could be looked at as displaying a commercial mindset and though this is an issue, the band displays enough depth and variety to remain interesting. Certainly fans of a more streamlined sound will find a lot to enjoy here, although more adventurous listeners may be surprised from time to time as well. Dead Precendence is a very solid, though slightly flawed recording that will appeal to fans of Machine Head, Pantera and Only Living Witness.
Official Shatterpoint Website
Official Shatterpoint My Space
Official Power Play Records Website