Shawn Lane has passed away

Yngvai X

Dark Emperor
Jul 18, 2002
Woodland Park, NJ
I know this news is a day or two old so for those of you that care you've probably heard this already. But just to inform those that might not be aware, the world lost one of its precious few guitar geniuses last friday. Shawn was only 40 years old. I know he was more of a fusion guitarist, so I dont know how many fans might be lurking around here. He was one of my greatest inspirations and influences as a guitarist and there will not be another as skilled as he was. If any of you don't know him and would like to hear him, one of my favorite CDs he was on was Jens Johansson's Fission album.

RIP Shawn :(
whoah! there was a guy (The Sole Survivor) that used to visit the Sinergy board that talked about him all the time...
he even made me check out a few songs from Lane

well, everyone's time's comes eventually
Lotus_Eater_RVD said:
i personally have not heard of him...but its a loss for the ranks of metal and music in general....may he rest in peace.

He wasn't a metal guitarist...mostly instrumental rock/fusion, but he certainly influenced a ton of metal shredders (Michael Romeo from Symphony X for one - thats where I first heard about him).
Yngvai X said:
He wasn't a metal guitarist...mostly instrumental rock/fusion, but he certainly influenced a ton of metal shredders (Michael Romeo from Symphony X for one - thats where I first heard about him).
gotta check him out then..