Sheavy - Republic?

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Sheavy - Republic?
Rise Above Records - RISECD58 - 2005
By Philip Whitehouse


Republic? is native Newfoundlanders Sheavy's fifth full album, and their first since 2001s Synchronised. Time has brought with it change, in the form of a new drummer and a Billy Anderson production job that brings out a lot more of the meat on Sheavy's Sabbath-meets-stoner bones. But has much else changed in what the band themselves refer to as Sheavyland?

Well, not a great deal. The vocalist still sounds pretty much exactly like mid 80s-period Ozzy, the riffs still have that Iommian punch (albiet with a bit more melody than the permanently be-crucifixed one would have used), and the material within pretty much rocks like a bastard throughout. Album highlight 'Standing At The Edge Of The World' swings from slow bludgeons to driving, uptempo rampages before rounding out it's 7:20 running time with a heavily reverbed, clean-guitar swirl of psychedelia, while 'Revenge Of The Viper Three' boasts a dirtier, rawer vibe with a rumbling knuckle-dragger of a main riff.

Accusations of being nothing more than a clone band have dogged Sheavy throughout their 10-year career, but their longevity speaks for itself. Black Sabbath themselves have become a running joke, Ozzy is caught up in spouse Sharon's publicity-based Crazy Train, and there are precious few bands still managing to summon the primal, alchemical magic of classic doom metal with half the passion and consistency that Sheavy display.


Sheavy Official Website
Rise Above Records Website