Shining gig in Gothenburg Dec. 4th


-.!.. (-_-) ..!.-
Dec 11, 2005
I was asked to make this thread in the depressive music thread. So here it is.

Playlist (Not in correct order but these songs were played):

Intro: Seemed to be some Swedish lullaby.
Och med insikt skall du förgå
Låt oss ta allt från varandra
Ytterligare ett steg närmare total jävla utfrysning
Någonting är jävligt fel
Besvikelsens dystra monotoni
Neka morgondagen
Eradiction of the condition
Svart industriell olycka
Claws of perdition
Längtar bort från mitt hjärta
Submit to self destruction

Vemodets arkitektur (Not completely sure if this was played.)

+ What I guess was an improvised blues solo interlude, was played between songs.
+ Att med kniv göra sig illa was also played as a playback between some of the tracks.
Personally I would have liked to have heard Field of Faceless, but no:mad:.

Although the gig wasn't as gory and mayhemic as some may have expected, the band still did an awesome job, well played and performed. Niklas was pretty entertaining, being sarcastic and stuff all the time, was mad at some people who didn’t know the lyrics, called them idiots and such :D.

The audience gave a good feedback, although there weren’t THAT many of us (150-200). The crowd was much better than on the Amorphis gig that I was on last tuesday.

I'll upload some pics/videos when I get home from work.

Oh and funniest moment happened during Skitlivs warmup, Niklas was about to play some clean guitar riff, when Maniac stumbled on Niklas effect pedal, don't know what happened then but the guitars went mute. So, then, I guess the whole band decided to play some random ambient stuff while Niklas tried to fix his guitar/pedal. They ended their gig with that.
I played as their support act, and they played on our instruments, now... who wants to touch me :D
Great! They're playing in Aarschot tonight, are you going?

Anyway, I saw them yesterday in Rotterdam, good gig. They played the whole Halmstad album, which I hoped for, because it's the only album I know well. Shame only that they cut "Besvikelsens Dystra Monotoni" short, probably my favourite song on Halmstad. "Längtar Bort Från Mitt Hjärta" was amazing though.

All in all it was a pretty normal gig in the sense that it’s not as sick and twisted as you might expect from a band like Shining. Kvarforth appeared to be a pretty normal and nice guy, who also smiles, interacts in a normal way with other humans, also makes the crowd go "hey hey hey" etc. Seeing a band like Shining live kinda takes away the "controversy" and "mystique" a bit I have to say. Beforehand you think, let’s not get too close to the stage or I’ll get blood spilled on me etc. But once there, it’s basically just another Black Metal gig. Still, it was by no means bad, it’s nice to have seen them.
Well, it's a bit fucked up, when Kvarforth was here in Aalst with Skitliv, he put some of us (Kludde) on the guestlist for the Shining gig tonight, but I'm sitting at home right now with a real bad flu, so I'll have to sit this one out...
Have you heard Shining IV as well? It's their best one imo, although V comes close
Thanx for the video. Kvarsforth is imo, a social fuckin' retard. But, Halmstad is right there with Primordial's TTND as my top2 discs this yr. Brilliant composition and arrangement on V Halmstad.
Well, it's a bit fucked up, when Kvarforth was here in Aalst with Skitliv, he put some of us (Kludde) on the guestlist for the Shining gig tonight, but I'm sitting at home right now with a real bad flu, so I'll have to sit this one out...
Have you heard Shining IV as well? It's their best one imo, although V comes close

Yes, the new one is actually the first album I've heard and I think it is brilliant! I'm going to start checking out their back catalogue now, bought the new one immediately after I heard a few songs from it. Reviews seem to indicate that there is a big difference between the 3rd and 4th albums, is that true?
Woow, I though this thread died since no one, except "i aint play this", posted in it. :p
Thank you guys for appreciating my "report".

PS. The guy who posted the shining videos has uploaded more vidoes on his youtube profile, I won't bother to put them here though.
Yes, the new one is actually the first album I've heard and I think it is brilliant! I'm going to start checking out their back catalogue now, bought the new one immediately after I heard a few songs from it. Reviews seem to indicate that there is a big difference between the 3rd and 4th albums, is that true?

Yep, the first 3 albums are more raw and straight forward, while IV and V are more experimental and hardly black metal
I went to the london gig.. and it's been a while since I have been to a good old metal gig.
Wanted to see Code really.. their vocalist was very disappointing.
Haven't heard of shining before (I've been way out of touch recently) and they did put on a rather fun show.
I have to agree with Cerulean, The Eerie Cold is deffinately Shining's best. Also, the first album I had bought by them.
Shining V and III come close though, and the first 2 are very dark and depressing I must say...

I wish they would come to Canada or America...but apparently Kvarforth has a criminal record. That's what I was told when I messaged them on myspace.
shining was supposed to have a gig in istanbul in the middle of november, but it was cancelled a week before it was supposed to happen. i was very disappointed. halmstad is one of the best releases of 2007. the eerie cold and angst are awesome as well, but halmstad takes the cake as far as i'm concerned.

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