shit. i hope they don't blow up NYC this week


Aug 2, 2002
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i'm sort of busy and i don't want to be vaporized by nuclear radiation. see, like... i'm just not in the mood. once was enough.
I think you're probably safer this week than you are any other week of the year.

Oh, uh, if a fission reaction mysteriously occurs in Lower Manhatten in the next few days, please refrain from quoting this post and pulling an I-told-you-so.
well, if my potassium iodine fails me i will be dead and unable to call you on your shit.
i am not too paranoid, but as my dad says 'vietnam probably isn't so bad now as it was, but i'm not gonna fuckin go back there on vacation to check'.
True. It's also possible that, while rational-actor terrorist groups (as much as Islamic-fundamentalist-suicide-bombers can be rational actors) may refrain from action on 9/11, there's always the chance some wacko will decide it's a good day to snap and commit his own one-man terror act, like the July 4th El Al shooting in L.A.

Happy New Yorking!
exactly. there's a whole row of psychotic white males just waiting for a totally cliche moment to lose their shit.
Unfortunately, we're getting squeezed out of our niche by the Arabs and Persians. I feel like a black bluesman watching Elvis take the stage and knowing that it's gonna be whiteboy, whiteboy, whiteboy from here on out.
seriously. i know some white motherfucker is going to snap on the subway and start gunning shit. i'll stab him in the face too.
i dunno, there's always the anti-establishment fanatics and nazis to contend with, plus your usual array of sociopaths ala patrick bateman.
but in general, you're right.
Yes, but I'm gauging that the white supremacist/separatists won't want to risk the high security and strike on what's become a huge Ay-rab celebration holiday.

Then again, the Nazis didn't seem to have much trouble with Arabs when the Palestinians came knocking during WWII, so who knows? I guess having a common foe can trump elements of ideology.

And yes, the overworked-guy-in-Mergers-&-Acquisitions will always remain a threat. :)

I am not a sociopath!
'american psycho'.
the movie is like, the disney version. it's almost nothing like the book. i read the book in one night, and actually got up to go in the bathroom to gag at one point.