!Shlomit Levi's (Orphaned Land's female singer) solo album AVAILABLE!

Great music! Pity she won't be touring with O.L. ... PS: Shlomit is well, let´s just say, attractive... Sorry to let my hormones speak for just a second :o

To find a label is a pain these days. I know some musicians who still play in their local pubs in front of 20 people after several years, they're really talented. The problem is mainly the illegal downloading and the industry. The industry rather sponsors famous faces rather than actually talented singers. The Pop Idols and other contests that create short-lived hypes (many of those participants are good singers but cannot write own songs so they vanish in anonimity when the next generation of Pop Idols are there) are a proof of that. It's easier to cash in on an artificially created hype than to look underground for the real talent out there.
Add to that that downloading and such does harm artists, many maybe believe it doesn't but this isn't rocket science. Less income for the record company = less money to spend. And the famous singers are the last ones who will lose their contract, upcoming talent however is the real victims of current ongoings in the music business.

I hope all the best for Shlomit, she has an AMAZING voice and fully deserves recognition and success.
I agree with you HaTikva. This is why I buy albums of smaller bands, when I can at one of their shows. Because I know the band usually gets a bigger piece of the pie when I buy it there.
Bands like Metallica however, dont get my money (anymore) Its only wasted on videos and promotion for the largest part. I prefer to buy 2 different copies of the new OL instead, because CM really put a lot of energy into the band.
Her version of "Cheek to Cheek" is great. I like how she holds back for that jazzy approach. And the other songs are pretty awesome too. :)
If any of you are still poundering over the question whether to buy her demo or not, rest assured. It's money well spent. It may not have that heavy, epic feel of Orphaned Land but it's very relaxed and it has a great and clever balance between modern age instruments (such electric guitars and a wahwah pedal) and untouched folk(ish?) that sounds naturally. Great music and perfect for a selfish moment in a sofa. Personal favorite tracks; "Zur Menati", "A'salk" and "Taatuim".
Furthermore, the album itself looks pretty great.It isn't a cheap CD-R that comes in a paper cover but a real CD in a plastic case with a proper cover.
My Hebrew still isn't good enough that I can read, let alone understand of the credits but Yannick and Nathalie were kind enough to include a English translation.

No, really, great stuff.
Thanks for pulling this one out, it'd been a real long time since I heard this. I daresay I prefer Shlomit's version of Gulbi to even Ofra Haza. Is it pushing to consider her one of the most talented singers around today?