Shoot, I really need help! >:(


Bi-weekly top album:
Nov 5, 2005
Sanford, Maine
After I got my new computer, I noticed that the sound card is a pile of crap! For some reason, I can't get to the advanced controls for the sound mixer and also it records the line-in audio as a wav. file, so I can't play more than one track at a time while trying to record. This is really pissing me off. Does anyone have any suggestions? This stupid pc doesn't seem to recognize my old sound card, either. :mad:
I just remembered, I still need to borrow the disc for the Windows version of ProTools from my keyboardist so I can hook up my Tascam US-122 and start using it again.
You should just go get yourself an M-Audio card...those things will net you awesome bang for the buck, and a pretty damn good product to. Easy to set up and full of pretty good software if you don't already have.
Maybe try updating the drivers. It could possibly run a little better.

My guess is it's drivers as well (for both sound cards)

If you don't have the discs for them, have a look at the appropriate manufacturers websites for the latest version (probably worth doing anyway)

You can check by going Control Panel -> System -> Hardware -> Device Manager and seeing if any devices have an exclamation mark next to them (common with sound cards on new computers) or
Look at the properties of any detected sound cards and see if the driver manufacturer is not microsoft (default windows drivers). While microsoft drivers are getting better, for sound cards at least it's probably still worth using the OEM drivers.

If all that's confusing feel free to pm me.
You should just go get yourself an M-Audio card...those things will net you awesome bang for the buck, and a pretty damn good product to. Easy to set up and full of pretty good software if you don't already have.
M-Audio makes some really really good stuff for the price you can get it for.
Eternal Dragon said:
Maybe try updating the drivers. It could possibly run a little better.

Haha, that stupid sound card lead to the decimation of one of my hard drives. It was too late to install the drivers before it happened, the hard drive had a software conflict and became corrupted. Luckily I got another hard drive and I could just use the other for storage from now on. 220 gb total ftw!