shootings in the Rockville,MD area...

said yesterday on the news that they would not be prepared for sniper attacks down here. well well well why don't we just hey come shoot us! nah, i'm not worried. in fact, for a nominal fee i could come and take out the fucker(s). here's and idea.......they should stop ALL white vans in the area, secretly stick tracking devices under each one, and when the sniper attacks again, if one of the vans they are tracking was in that location, they know which one it was and can track them down. of course, there's a small chance that they would even stop THE van and put a tracking device under it, but hey, ya never know.
You'd think that,by now,the sniper would be...oh,I don't know...DRIVING A DIFFERENT CAR!!!I bet this sniper fucker is watching the news laughing his ass off because the MD police department is still searching for a white van over a week after the shootings.
i saw last night now they have 3 guesses for vans, one of them is gray. I think they're just gonna keep adding to the list of cars to search until they find something worthwhile. :lol:
or maybe he never drove a white van to begin with, and was just smart enough to snipe in areas when he saw a white van making a speedy getaway. When people hear a shot those would be the first thing they'd look for, and he could slip away in the commotion ...
If the sniper is still driving the same damn car,then he's a moron.If the police are still searching for the same damn car(which they are) then they are morons.
Oh,if they *do* find the car,the actual sniper's car,then the media and everyone else will most likely make a big deal out of the cds or music that they find in his car.If it's metal,that will of course be what influenced this guy to shoot all of those ppl:rolleyes:.Damn,I hate these kind of controversies.If it was a gangsta rap cd,I doubt that would even be mentioned.
Of course gangsta rap with lyrics about guns,shooting killing,etc. wouldn't influence someone to shoot a bunch of people.Rap is on MTV and little 10 yr.old kids listen to it,no,of course it couldn't do anything like what all of that loud,scary,evil heavy metal does to people.
using my psychic powers, I envision him working himself into a bloody rage by listening to

at least, I know listening to that would make me feel homicidal.
Originally posted by lizard
I mean, this guy is one sick fuck, but he's got balls the size of cantaloupes. he's obviously got some serious issues...anyone got any guesses what kind of music he listens to when he is driving toward his next killing ground to get in the mood?:)
I say he listens to...


Suffer mimic
Mime of the dead
The time has passed, obtain the facts
Suffer mimic, lord of death

Aggressive measures
Agressive measures

Twisted words, temptation of sin
Spheres of time, so vivid
Dreams to become,
The ultimate aggression
Aggressive measures

Damn just listen to that song, it makes you wanna kill somebody. This sniper dude is like an inspiration to me... I'll do the exact same thing he does only my victims will be pop queens and "angry" nu metal fuckers.
No, I haven't grown up yet.
