Shopping List :)


Amiga Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2003
Nottingham, England.
Right, I'm looking at buying a load of stuff when I start a new job. I already have a pair of HR824A's on my list, but I was also looking at buying a new soundcard/interface with better mic pre's. What do you guys recommend for anything up to about £1000? Preferably I'd like something I can run ProTools on.
I was about to suggest that. I've been to a showcase were the M-Audio guy demonstrated it. It's really cool to alter midi parameters with the knobs and (motor!) faders on that thing (he showed it with Ableton Live! 5 but it supports Pro Tools M-Powered also). Audio Interface/Pre-Amps included - should be very cool and also in your price range! Where from Europe are you exactly from?
Well, he's on a PC. The 002R and MBox...any Digi hardware will only work with PT on a PC. On a Mac, however, any Digi hardware will work in PT and in Digital Performer.

006 said:
Well, he's on a PC. The 002R and MBox...any Digi hardware will only work with PT on a PC. On a Mac, however, any Digi hardware will work in PT and in Digital Performer.


really? hmmm...sounds like i might get an M Box sometime.
Yep, I use my 002R in DP all the time. Or I was, I'm about ready to sell it to a friend and I'm getting an 828mkII from MOTU.

I want to hear some stuff about the MOTU Ultralite. I am thinking of getting a new interface. Might sell my firepod for something smaller.