Short clip with new setup,


New Metal Member
Apr 10, 2005

So I fianlly got the finger out and bought a mic pre so I can start recording actual amp clips as I am not to pleased with the pod anymore.
So here goes first clip

so I need some feedback please what is wrong with this??? and what can I do to fix it?

was lazy with the drums so I just used one of the files you get with DFHS
Change you mic placement, try moving it a little towards the edge of the speaker. just keep experiment in different spots on the speaker till it sounds more like you want, EQ can't fix everthing, so get the absolute best sound you can first then you'll just have to use EQ to polish it up. and once you find you sweet, spot mark it with a pin or a little dab of nailpolish, so you always know where it is.

Cheers for the reply's,
Yeah tomoorrow I will give it another shot, did not really play about with mic placement that much, should get a better chance to crank my amp up a little as well.
So I tried tracking this again today and still am not to keen on the results.
Guitar was tracked 4 times, 2 l 2 r single mic'ed with an sm57.
Mic was placed about an inch away from the grill roughly about left of centre from the cone. There seems to be a harshness with the sm57 that I cant seem to get rid of but I guess practice makes perfect.
Guitars dont really have much on them. Just Andy's c4 setting's plus a little BBE and some eq. Eq is mostly just cutting some of the bass and adding a little around 800 and 1.3/1.6.
Bass is a pitch shifted guitar track.
Sounds good to me Brain!

You even sneaked a bit of synth in there eh? cool!

I have not heard the previous clip at all, but it sounds good to me.. the guitars even sound a big too big for those drums..