Another DFHS Clip with a new mixing technique.


Jan 31, 2006
For this clip I used the Pearl 3 Snare and the DW1 kick and was after a more natural room sound. I like the room sounds in B.F.D. but their samples sound terrible when you try to put a song together with them. I wanted to get that same sound in Superior so I exported seperate files for EACH piece and microphone. Basically, there's a close mic, room mic and ambient mic for the kick, snare, toms and cymbals. This way I can EQ and compress the room kick sound without the cymbals getting squshed too. It make a huge difference! The only problem is that you have a million drum tracks to mix, but I like how it sounds. Let me know what you think.

Its drum test #2
Jackal_Strain said:
But now that I've listened to it again I think the first drum test sound better. theone with the premier kick.

+1. The first one had a much fatter and cooler sound. To me anyway, and Jackal, hehe.
