Celestion T75 Impulse Responses, PODxt and 5150

I think the hardware modellers have a big limitation in the cab simulation. Pod sounds great but, does it sounds real? For me no.
Same thing for v-amp2: if you bypass the cab simulation and put your v-amp sound into guitar rig (only with cabinet) or into Sir with impulse, it sounds very real.
i just tried out the impulses with my xt bypassing the cab sim and i gotta say it sounds much better then the simulation from the xt. i was able to get a very thick tone using the criminal amp and recording 2 tracks one on each side and then copying those to 2 more tracks using 1 on axis and 1 off axis for each side, sounded heavy.
Moonlapse said:
Argh, I still can't get Guitar Suite sounding decent through it. I guess this is one area where the hardware modellers are winning out.
It's seems normal to me. GS JCM900 is already filtered to give a "speaker response " (no matter what people say about it), so you're adding another filtering stage, thus creating ugly resonnance... Can't work. You'd better use a "matching eq".
prizo said:
No shit!

Is that just POD, or is it also IR's?

How 'bout a copy of your boogie patch? :)

Its the PODxt with Voxengo Curve EQ. Here's the patch + the Curve EQ files. The Bass guitar is key to this tone. You'll find that the guitar may not sound good on its own. It may sound thin, but with the bass it is very complimentary. Of course, your bass will not sound anything like mine I'm sure. I've got an old Fender P Bass from the 70s with original pickups. They sound like complete shit unless you tweak it just right.

Here it is.

Great Splat88, thanks! I have tried various cab impulses from noisevault in combination with hardware preamps and POD and got no useful results, but your impulses rock! :kickass:
Btw it is interesting that convultion with home made impulses in this case sounds better then convultion that is part of the various amp sims, be it software or hardware... Makes you think what could be the reason?
Hopefully amp sim makers will adopt the approach of actually taking impulses as opposed to trying to model the cab/air/mic factor algorithmically. I mean if a V-amp2 sounds decent through them, you know something is being done right!
Dushan S said:
Great Splat88, thanks! I have tried various cab impulses from noisevault in combination with hardware preamps and POD and got no useful results, but your impulses rock! :kickass:
Btw it is interesting that convultion with home made impulses in this case sounds better then convultion that is part of the various amp sims, be it software or hardware... Makes you think what could be the reason?

Glad you like them. I'm not sure, but I think one of the reasons these impulses sound decent is because of the poweramp that I used. Its a Peavey 120/120 6L6GC tube poweramp and its a monster. Everything I have seems to sound better through that thing, as it colors the tone extensively, especially when you have the resonance and presence knobs turned past 5.

I know some guys were making impulses of guitar speaker cabs using solid state studio reference poweramps and live sound PA amps for their powersource for the cab and those will never sound good. The impulse captures not only the guitar cabinet but the poweramp, mic, mic pre amp, etc.
Splat88 said:
Glad you like them. I'm not sure, but I think one of the reasons these impulses sound decent is because of the poweramp that I used. Its a Peavey 120/120 6L6GC tube poweramp and its a monster. Everything I have seems to sound better through that thing, as it colors the tone extensively, especially when you have the resonance and presence knobs turned past 5.

I know some guys were making impulses of guitar speaker cabs using solid state studio reference poweramps and live sound PA amps for their powersource for the cab and those will never sound good. The impulse captures not only the guitar cabinet but the poweramp, mic, mic pre amp, etc.
Yes, I guess a poweramp has a lot to do it with sound of impulses... I can understand why this set of impulses works better than home made impulses of other people, but I was wandering why it sounds better than a lot of box simulations in commercial products... Anyway thanks again! :)

Hopefully amp sim makers will adopt the approach of actually taking impulses as opposed to trying to model the cab/air/mic factor algorithmically. I mean if a V-amp2 sounds decent through them, you know something is being done right!
Actually, according to article in one of the latest sound on sound magazines (they visited Line6), it seems that convultion was already used even in the first POD, that was their "Secret weapon" as they say. I am not sure about Vamp.
Dushan S said:
Yes, I guess a poweramp has a lot to do it with sound of impulses... I can understand why this set of impulses works better than home made impulses of other people, but I was wandering why it sounds better than a lot of box simulations in commercial products... Anyway thanks again! :)

Actually, according to article in one of the latest sound on sound magazines (they visited Line6), it seems that convultion was already used even in the first POD, that was their "Secret weapon" as they say. I am not sure about Vamp.

If that's their secret weapon, they better start looking for a new one. I think the POD cabinet emulations suck.
If it's not too much of a burden, can someone tell me how to use Splat's impulse files with some recordings of mine. I got a direct signal and i've got the impulse files he shared. I also have Voxengo Deconvolver. I load a sample of the impulse file in the first field and my recording in the second, but all i get is some light buzzing...
Splat88 said:
If that's their secret weapon, they better start looking for a new one. I think the POD cabinet emulations suck.
... Guy was talking about time when they were developing first POD. I think they were first to use convultion for anything else except reverb.
Splat88 said:
The way I have the Double Drive pedal setup adds a lot of midrange and high end to the preEQ. Taking it off sounds like you turned down the tone knob on your guitar halfway down. Kind of muddy.

I'm surprised this thread has gone so long without anyone asking what your settings were on the 5150 and Double Drive. :goggly: I have a DD I use with clean channels for low gain tones, but wouldn't mind a recommended starting point for using it in front of a 50/JS/TripleX type crunch or ultra channel.
iekobrid said:
I'm surprised this thread has gone so long without anyone asking what your settings were on the 5150 and Double Drive. :goggly: I have a DD I use with clean channels for low gain tones, but wouldn't mind a recommended starting point for using it in front of a 50/JS/TripleX type crunch or ultra channel.

Settings listed in "o'clock"

Level - 12:00
Tone - 2:00
Drive A/B - 10:00
Drive A - 10:00

For a cleaner boost, raise the Level higher and put the two Drive knobs down to 0.