Celestion T75 Impulse Responses, PODxt and 5150

cobhc said:
ok, was just wondering how good it was, and how much of a factor in the end sound it played.

I'm going to guess that the preamp had very little to do with the tone. I used to use a Makie 1604 VLZ for a preamp and I thought it sounded better. The Pro MPA is decent, but nothing to write home about.
cobhc said:
ok man, i've not got a 5150, but kev has, and we're trying to get near that tone you got.

Email me or upload a link of a file of it and I'll see if I can EQ it. I EQ'ed that clip a lot.
Too bad I can't find a 'Impulses for dummies', at Borders. I feel stupid. I am stupid.

Splatt88 (What's your real name?) I have not heard your clips regarding this thread, but I do know that your work is awesome. That incomplete clip of 'Misplaced Experts' is still on rotation in Winamp.

Well done.

Please write 'Impulse Responses for Dummies'.

Thank you.
Noumenon said:
Hm. One question comes to mind. Can you do an impulse response of your favorit head+cab with your favorite settings?
no it can not simulate an distorted amp if I understand the concept right!!
Nitronium Blood said:
Splatt, I heard your 5150 impulse clip.

Hmm... didn't do much for me.

The tone on 'misplaced experts' really gives me a stiffy though. :)

Can you try the Impulse thing with the Dual Treadplate PodXt model, please?

Haven't tried the Dual with the impulses, but I'll have to sample it out. You asked earlier....my real name is Matt, by the way.
Nitronium Blood said:
Oh and 'Asstard' is awesome. MORE!

Thanks! Made that song on the fly.....live and in one take as a Christmas present for a friend of mine who's a huge Lord of the Rings fan. I personally am not interested in the movies (although extremely well done) so I let him know just what I thought of them. I played those shitty drums live with a Boss DR 770 while my friend Matt played guitar. We were laughing so hard the whole time its a miracle we got through the whole thing. My favorite part is the Dio rip off...."LLLLLOOK OUT!!!!"
Howdy guys

I tried pristine space with impulses once as an insert on a guitar track, but it introduced so much latency that it was impossible to play "live" with it. How do you guys deal with it?

btw I use SX3
Amadeus79 said:
Howdy guys

I tried pristine space with impulses once as an insert on a guitar track, but it introduced so much latency that it was impossible to play "live" with it. How do you guys deal with it?

btw I use SX3

PS can be set to zero latency. (if i remember correctly)
Load your impulse in any wave editor and see if there is some unnecesary silence before its first peak, remove it.
I tried the demo version some time ago but didn`t figure out the latency thing, so I gave up on it. I`m considering to give it another try now when I hear all the great stuff some of the guys here can do with it. Thanks again, Mutant.