Celestion T75 Impulse Responses, PODxt and 5150

Nah, he will... splatt has a history of being a very cool, un-dick like person... he is just busy or kidnapped... that's all.
hehe, we need the impulse files though, since i got my poweramp running directly into my comp now, and it sounds ok with some of the impulses, but i would like his specific one.
Shit, sorry guys, I totally spaced posting these files. I've been busy as hell with school. (Accelerated summer semester). Here's the link:


Kev, the audiocard I used is a Delta 1010. I ran an output from the Delta into my Peavey 120/120 tube power amp, then ran a sweeping sine wave into the Marshall cab. Sine wave was then recorded with an SM57 in several positions (top and bottom speakers) and then into an ART PRO MPA tube preamp. Impulses were then 'deconvolved' using Voxengo's Deconvolver. After that, I just plugged my line outs from any amp or preamp into my soundcard, right into Cubase. Just make sure you use a dummy load if you don't have any speakers hooked up to your tube power amps, but you guys probably already knew that.

Sorry for the delay!
kev said:
how in the name of hell does that 5150 sound so good... how was it recorded splat? I NEED to know lol

The impulse files sound nearly identical to the miced cab at medium to low volumes. The 5150 doesn't really need much work, it sounds pretty G.D. good on its own. It does have a fat overdrive that I don't really like though, thus the use of the Double Drive OD pedal. I'm not really adding gain, just more midrange to the pre-EQ. It adds a lot of definition. A lot like the tube screamer, but somewhat different tone. I think I used two different mic placement impulses on that and then EQ'ed them together with a Waves Q10. One was the 57 C12_02 impulse (center of cone, top speaker) and the other was on axis, 3 inches to the side (57 +3_00 impulse).

The +0 or +1 at the beginning of the file name is distance from the grill. The +1, +2 or +3 after the name is the distance left or right from center. If there's a 'B' in the file name, it means bottom speaker. A lot more low end in those.

You'll notice that you'll need to either subtract a lot of low end or boost the mids and highs to get the impulses to sit in the mix just right. Palm mutes will yield huge dynamic swings at around 125HZ that are horrible for mixing with other instruments.
Splat88 said:
The impulse files sound nearly identical to the miced cab at medium to low volumes. The 5150 doesn't really need much work, it sounds pretty G.D. good on its own. It does have a fat overdrive that I don't really like though, thus the use of the Double Drive OD pedal. I'm not really adding gain, just more midrange to the pre-EQ. It adds a lot of definition. A lot like the tube screamer, but somewhat different tone. I think I used two different mic placement impulses on that and then EQ'ed them together with a Waves Q10. One was the 57 C12_02 impulse (center of cone, top speaker) and the other was on axis, 3 inches to the side (57 +3_00 impulse).

The +0 or +1 at the beginning of the file name is distance from the grill. The +1, +2 or +3 after the name is the distance left or right from center. If there's a 'B' in the file name, it means bottom speaker. A lot more low end in those.

You'll notice that you'll need to either subtract a lot of low end or boost the mids and highs to get the impulses to sit in the mix just right. Palm mutes will yield huge dynamic swings at around 125HZ that are horrible for mixing with other instruments.

I've really gotta do some research into these impulses from this thread. My main worry was that the pre's on the delta 1010lt wern't as good as yours. I heard that tone from the 5150 you got and was totally mad @ how clear it was- totally in your face! Can you get it to sound as good as that without using the impulses?

Thanks for providing a lot of info for us mate, must be tedious! Very intersted in getting a pedal for the 5150, be it tube screamer or this one you talk of! I guess you cant get such good results w/o a pedal. How much impact do you feel it makes?
Wow, the 5150 clip sounds amazing! Thread of the year award as far as I'm concerned! I have AltiVerb and I have a THD HotPlate, and I've been meaning to use them together with my 6505+ head to do silent re-amping, but I haven't gotten around to making impulses of my Mesa 4x12. I need to!!!

I have faith that this could revolutionize the way we reamp guitars...
kev said:
I've really gotta do some research into these impulses from this thread. My main worry was that the pre's on the delta 1010lt wern't as good as yours. I heard that tone from the 5150 you got and was totally mad @ how clear it was- totally in your face! Can you get it to sound as good as that without using the impulses?

Thanks for providing a lot of info for us mate, must be tedious! Very intersted in getting a pedal for the 5150, be it tube screamer or this one you talk of! I guess you cant get such good results w/o a pedal. How much impact do you feel it makes?

No problem. Now remember, I got the guitars to sound 'in your face' by a balanced EQ specturm and LIMITING. Whether limiting is cheating or not, that's just what I do. I know some frown on it for electic guitar, but I like it.

As far as real micing goes, I can only tell a difference between the real deal and impulses if I really crank up my cab and mic it. You get some cool speaker saturation that impulses just won't capture, but I made these files so I could record at 3:00AM.

As far as the TECH 21 Double Drive pedal goes, I'm sure a tubscreamer would probably surpass it. All I know is that I tried it out in a music store with a tubescreamer and a Boss OD and the Double Drive sounded the best to me. At least it was the smoothest. I don't know, I'd probably change my mind if I tested them over again. Any OD pedal will work, really. Its not a huge effect but I think its required for clearer palm muting.
Familia><Publica said:
if its not drastic, post a before and after clip, let the people decide

The way I have the Double Drive pedal setup adds a lot of midrange and high end to the preEQ. Taking it off sounds like you turned down the tone knob on your guitar halfway down. Kind of muddy.
is there some freeware out there those impulses will work with.....only got the demo of prestine space an those time-out-haha-this-is-only-a-demo-buy-our-product" suck ;)

but very cool thing never got such a tone out of my pod :rock: