short JSX+Mesa+passive pups sample (Metaltastic, come in ;) )


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
k, here's a short sample w/o much mic-tweaking etc.

doubletracked , no post processing


goal was to get a kinda modern but still vintage metalcore meets iced earth (that's why it's a bit thinner/fizzier than I'd usually do it)...dunno.

ignore the playing

I'll post a thicker clip soon....need to convince you of the JSX ;)
It reminds me of "Incubator" it a lot, dude! pure quality tone.

@Lasse, Es klingt fast schon ZU gut..geradezu blankpoliert. Mir persönlich würd etwas der Dreck fehlen..aber richtig feiner sound!
Hmm, sorry Lasse, this one ain't doin' it for me - definitely tight tone and playing, but the fizz and scoopage as previously mentioned bring back memories of mine; maybe the amp just needs that dose of beefy darkness (hehehehe) the Engl cab provides, cuz those are the ONLY good clips I've ever heard of it (the JSX, that is, not the cab ;))
I think is not fizzy, if you put that guitar tone in a drum track the fizzy goes away, it's only a litlle scooped.
yeah, I'll be reamping this through the Engl-cab, suits the amp (at least with these settings) better).

but yeah, metaltastic, knew this wouldn't be your perfect tone, just wanted to lure you in to tell you to be prepared for some really good JSX clips coming next week ;)
Not bad. Looking forward to the other clips too.
You've sparked my interest in the SH15 though. What guitar was it used in and what wood does it have?

Also, for the sake of reference, what were the amp settings?

Thanks Lasse
Not bad. Looking forward to the other clips too.
You've sparked my interest in the SH15 though. What guitar was it used in and what wood does it have?

Also, for the sake of reference, what were the amp settings?

Thanks Lasse

ESP Explorer Custom

Mahogany, bolt on neck.

pres: 8
reso: 7
Treb: 4.5
both knobs for the fx loop maxed.

(those are perhaps not 100% (trying to remember them here), but I'll update tomorrow after doublechecking in the Studio
Nice Lasse. I don't think there is too much fizz, that's sizzle. :)

A few questions if you don't mind -
Slant or Straight Cab?
Mic Pos'n and distance from cloth?
Top or Bottom speaker?

I am interested in hearing this through the 6505 and Mesa.

Cheers. :kickass:
Nice Lasse. I don't think there is too much fizz, that's sizzle. :)

A few questions if you don't mind -
Slant or Straight Cab?
Mic Pos'n and distance from cloth?
Top or Bottom speaker?

I am interested in hearing this through the 6505 and Mesa.

Cheers. :kickass:

top left speaker on a straight cab,

the three other spealers sounded all real similar this one was the only one that sounded quite different...and better.

mix was slightly off axis (just a tiny bit) and a bit off center.
about 2cm from cloth.

notch a bit around 3-4k and the tone gets pretty decent IMO.

I still wouldn't have picked it for my own stuff, but I guess it's gonna work for what the band wands.

the mids will be filled by the bass (warwick)...should work
top left speaker on a straight cab,

the three other spealers sounded all real similar this one was the only one that sounded quite different...and better.

mix was slightly off axis (just a tiny bit) and a bit off center.
about 2cm from cloth.

notch a bit around 3-4k and the tone gets pretty decent IMO.

I still wouldn't have picked it for my own stuff, but I guess it's gonna work for what the band wands.

the mids will be filled by the bass (warwick)...should work

Funny, I tested all 4 speakers on mine and thought the top left was the best sounding as well.
