Short Kemper question


Jul 27, 2005
Hey guys,

just one short Kemper related question: Is it possible (and if so, how?) to run the Kemper in Stereo, with one side having only the dry sound, and the other side having the same sound (possibly with slightly different EQ?) but delayed a few ms?
I'm trying to explore some stereo-setup options, basically recreating a dual amp setup in a live setting (essentially mimicing two guitars in a single guitar situation)....i've already had great success with running the kemper in stereo with another preamp and delaying the kemper signal 100% by a few ms (in order to avoid phase issues), but maybe there's a way to do that just with the kemper?

Btw, i already read the manual, but didn't find an answer....
Hey guys,

just one short Kemper related question: Is it possible (and if so, how?) to run the Kemper in Stereo, with one side having only the dry sound, and the other side having the same sound (possibly with slightly different EQ?) but delayed a few ms?
I'm trying to explore some stereo-setup options, basically recreating a dual amp setup in a live setting (essentially mimicing two guitars in a single guitar situation)....i've already had great success with running the kemper in stereo with another preamp and delaying the kemper signal 100% by a few ms (in order to avoid phase issues), but maybe there's a way to do that just with the kemper?

what you could do is, that you use the monitor output of the kemper to send the signal straight from the CAB Section to your Amp into the right channel, there you have your dry sound.

and then add a EQ and Delay (100%Wet) to the POST FX Block and send this signal out into the main Outs, and just use one the L or R Output and feed your left channel of your amp.

that way you can have a "Stereo" Sound where both L R Signals are different

you can set those signals in the output options of the kemper.

for example, my home setup is similar:
i use the Monitor Output to record the DRY Signal to Cubase (all PRE CAB FX + AMP+CAB, but not the POST FXs)
and then i use the Main Out Stereo for the full Signal inkluding the POST FX like EQ, Reverb and Delay
and i also use the remaining Output Channel for the DI Track

Thanks for the reply!
I forgot to mention that i'm running straight into the PA. No amps on stage.
for a 'stereo' effect, I'd always use the Stereo Widener.

It sends different frequency ranges to the left and right outputs (you can tune the frequencie ranges and depth), which sounds much better and tighter than any millisecond-delay-phase-crazyness, that basically makes your signal real mushy.
It's the same idea as using two mics on the same cab and panning them hard left and right.
Thanks for the reply!
I forgot to mention that i'm running straight into the PA. No amps on stage.
your welcome, my suggested way works great with a PA too ;) and if you are using inears, so that you not get screwed if you have such different signals on the left and right side you might only use a copy of the dry out signal via monitor out, and if the signal is too dry for you inears, you always could add a little reverb (stompbox or inbuilt FX if the submixer has oone) into your inear monitor signal path
Thanks for the stereo widener tip, totally forgot about that one....will check it out tonight!

Is there any way to hard pan a signal when using the Kemper in stereo? The idea is to have a main rhythm patch in stereo, and two other patches that are left/right only.
Basically, what i'm trying to do here is recreating my old setup which consisted of a marshall jvm and peavey 5150 run in stereo using a morley aby pedal. I really like the Decapitated-styled left/right pingpong stuff e.g. Vogg is doing live.
Alright, so I checked out the Stereo Widener and got some pretty cool results. I'll definitely check it out next rehearsal.
However, I noticed that the left/right signals sound vastly different (well, after all that's exactly what the plugin is doing, so DUH :D ), which is cool for me, but I'm not sure how FOH guys will be able handle that EQ-wise. The obvious solution would be having two channels on the console panned L/R, adjusting them to equal volume, and sending those two channels to a subgroup for any EQ processing. In theory, that's pretty basic routing and shouldn't be a big deal, but in practice FoH dudes usually are morons that are unable to properly read a tech rider....
Any experience with that?

Also, once again: Is there any way to hard pan a signal when using the Kemper in stereo? :)