short question about "Phase canceling"


Feb 18, 2008

guitar > preamp > DAW > 2 identical tracks > 2 different IR's.

i have both tracks centered and then i flip the phase on track
2 and export to mono. the result is a not that good but also not
that bad sounding clip.

what is this, is it the "sound information" that
is getting cancelled!?

i thought i may experiment with this abit so i imported it in the project
and then i panned track 1 hard L and track 2 hard R.

then i mixed up the third track i created with the other zwo tracks
and it sounded kind of fuller and wider but not phasey or anything
like that...

what did i actually do here, some phase fuck up widening thing?

can someone explain it!?


PS: i'll post no samples, try it and decide if it's, hmm...?
learn something about M/S matrix.... In the new project are the tracks the same as in the first when you created first canceling track?
if so, than you exported the difference (the side channel) as a standalone mono track.... than you putted it center... so in center you now have Mid channel (from the original 2 hardpanned tracks) and one side channel... and the same sound channel as side channel.... so L=M+S+S and R=M-S+S=M you widened left channel and narrowed right channel (maybe vice versa - depend on which tracked you flipped in phase in the beggining) is one of the channels hitting 3dB more, than the other one? because mine does, when i tried it.
the two preamp tracks were identical i just put two different IR's on them.

the two tracks were also panned central at the beginning, shouldn't there be no side information at all then!?

without any real knowledge about this i think that i isolated the soundinformation "between" IR1 and IR2 which was cancelled when i fliped the phase on the second track!?
