Short Reamp tracks if you're interested...

Wild Hades

Clean channels are for pussies
May 2, 2006
Hi guys, I've just uploaded a .rar file in my FTP folder with 4 guitar tracks to reamp...
The song is Dark Intentions from The Haunted, recorded in E standard (instead of D#) with my LTD Deluxe M-1000, EMG81...
The tracks volume is low, cause I've avoided clipping... .wav files, 44.100Hz recorded with my shitty M-Audio Firewire Solo Hi-Z input.
There is also the drum midi file in the archive (GM Map)... no bass actually :erk:

Use everything you want for reamp, and if you could post a short snippet of one guitar only (no post processing) it would be great (but tell me what track is it from!)...

Sorry for the sloppy playing, was one take for every track (pretty simple stuff to play btw).

This is my actual (crappy) mix:
Wagner + GH impulses for guitars
Addictive Drums (no replacing), I know rolls suck!
Sampled bass...


If you have any suggestion on the mix itself you are welcome obviously!
Thanks man! :)
I have to improve the rolls (expecially the snare one), and I think that there is an overcompression issue at the end of the clip (the fast double bass-kick part).

Thanks for listening!
Cheers dude!
I'm at work and listening through my crappy headphones it sounds pretty good man! Can't wait to listen to it once at home!

If you could upload the single .wav files that would be great, I could mix a real amp tone for my first time... -.-°

Details on guitars and cab micing?

Thank you very much for you time man!
Will upload the WAV's. Check my folder on the ftp in about an hour.

I went for a more saturated tone with quite a bit of gain. I reamped it with 5 times with different settings and mic positions. This one sounded the best to me (personal taste, I know :heh:) the others sounded too dry.

Maxon 808 (o'clock settings):
OD 10
Tone 12
Balance 3

Krank Rev (out of 10 settings):
Pres 8
Sweep 3.5
Bass 6
Mid 5
Treb 5
Master 2
Gain 7 (yes 7 out of 10, damn high, unusually high :goggly:)

Mic was similar to BBAE-half position (you should know what/where that means :lol:)

Mesa Traditional Cab, using the infamous top-right speaker :lol:.
In fact it sounds insanely saturated! Damn, there is also some drive from the Maxon! I like it btw!:lol:

Thanks for the infos!
I just listened to your sample (hadn't listened to it before), that's a great tone right there already. :rock:

Yeah, went overboard with the Gain added dirt with the Maxon, but I think it will sound good in your mix. I hope. :lol: