Can anyone reamp 2 tracks with a 5150?

Here's a 6505 version. I don't have the time to export and upload the WAV's at the moment (especially if you may not want them). Have a listen to the mp3 and if it sounds OK let me know and I will upload the WAV's later on today or tomorrow. Were different guitars used Left and Right? That Right guitar has annoying tremolo spring noise. Try some foam to dampen the springs. :)

Guitars are Raw, no HP/LP, etc... 6505 GH.mp3
Yeah definitelly an annoying noise. But we will re-record it for the ep session in september. One guitar is a Dean Dimebag and the other a BCRich KK replica....only the bcrich had that noise. I'm thinking to block the floyd with some wood next time...or to use my schecter.

Anyway I'm interested for the wave files :) when you have time please upload them.
Thank you very much