Short Samples of all tracks on the new Manilla Road


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
I didn't realize this was coming out so quickly....

There is no info on the Shadow Kingdom site about its release which I find odd.

Looks like AMAZON will be selling the MP3 version Friday Feb 1.

the drummer has been posting about it daily on facebook.

Yeah, the whole band has. Hellroadie seriously posts about 10 band related updates while they were recording. I knew it was coming out, just not exactly so soon.

They do a great job at self promoting the band which is always good to see.
Yeah, Voyager was VERY weak in my opinion.
The songs were way too long just for the sake of trying to be epic...
Playground was much more solid.

Just got the email that my copy has been shipped!!!!!!!!