Should fat people pay double?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
A fat person gets on a plane, and takes up almost two seats in the economy section. Clearly, another individual cannot sit next to them through lack of room. Should the fat person pay for both seats?

Should the same apply to buses, movie theaters, or any other venue that requires pricing per seat?
yes, you pay for the seat(s) you take up, not for one person IMO. And if you're that fat you should pay extra penalty taxes as well. And give me your hamburgers.
I believe they should.

In some cases, obesity is a disease, and if they can document that that is the case, that should of course be taken into account. Other than that, it's grosely unfair that airlines and bus companies should pay because someone has eaten too much.
it is true that in some cases, the people simply have a metabolic abnormality that causes them to be unable to lose weight, but most people are fat because they eat poorly/gluttonously and don't exercise. I'm one of those fat people, and I don't want to pay double. Though, really, I don't take up more than one seat, I'm not THAT fat.

I dunno about double, but they should be charged an SSR (Special Service Request) Fee for needing two seats, and be given both seat assignments so nobody gets the seat next to them. SSR fees are usually for stuff like infants, needing a special dietary meal, wheelchair access, stuff like that. I don't see how obesity wouldn't fit in with those. Anyhoo, I know this crap because I program airline software. It seems reasonable to charge them an extra 50%, so that helps recoup the cost of the lost seat for the airline, but isn't as punitive to the customer.
I can't understand how people let their weight stumble out of control. Aside from an aesthetic stand point, do these dignitaries of donut dunking care about their health? Bloody aye, they get to to the point where they have lost all sense of mobility. When you get out of breath from answering the doorbell, you have a problem.

How about all the slimy sluts who pack on the pounds after they have had a boyfriend for awhile? They get all comfortable in the relationship and allow themselves to become rotund balls of refuse. Then after the break up, they hit the gym so they can be pretty enough to hook another sucker. Tis a vicious cycle.

But to answer the question...I'd vote NO. Fat people have enough problems, without having to pay double for airline tickets. Plus, all the anorexics would be seeking a discount.
yes ... and I should get a discount for having to crouch down when entering a plane and ocasionally banging my head in the overhead compartments
Crimson Velvet said:
There are diseases that make you gain weight faster than normal. In the majority of cases, I agree, it's plain laziness.

Yes, I agree. What is "fat" is debatable though. Festively plump folk are fine, but when someone cannot fit in one airplane seat... WTF. I just don't get it. Like I've said before, I'm not Captain Athelete, but the day when I cannot fit into one airplane seat- I'm going to kill myself or starve. That should go for everyone.
Marksveld said:
Festively plump folk
This is so awesome it's on a completely higher plane of existence, one which I have yet to comprehend.

It's gotta suck to be disgustingly fat, but jeezus you just have to get ahold of yourself once you can't see your dick or feet anymore.
counterproductive vicious circle
like debt
gentetic predisposition
like many other conditions
blah de blah etc

I say make mcdonalds + coca cola an thier ilk pay the extra
its them that profit from the lard
well guns are designed to kill
its what they're for

the muck they create isn't designed to be food
its just addictive muck
mcdonalds put sugar in thier salads
thier salads have more salt content than a burger
its fucking leaves....
what I don't understand is how people let themsleves get to that point ...
If I was a woman and I was pushing 200 lbs ... it's time to do something ... not let yourself get bigger ?!?!?!?!? I think this is purely psychological for most obese people. It is like a cry for help
I have a hard time spending 6 hours on the couch, let alone years. What goes on inside these people's heads? Is it complete psychosis or is there just nothing going on upstairs?
Emergency workers had to remove some sliding glass doors and lift the couch, with Grinds still on it, to a trailer behind a pickup truck. Removing her from the couch would be too painful, since her body was grafted to the fabric. After years of staying put, her skin had literally become one with the sofa and had to be surgically removed.
This doesn't even shock me anymore. In fact I was scrolling down the article waiting for this part to come up, because I've seen it so many times.