Should fat people pay double?

hahahaha I'll bet her Place of Sitting was more solidified poop than it was couch by the time she died.
I passed the ultimate test some years ago, I had just gotten a big platter of Mexican food which included a bunch of rice soaked in red sauce. Flipped on the television and on the news was a special on maggots, shit looked IDENTICAL to what I was eating. Paused for a moment to contemplate my situation, then continued to eat while watching.

And that's the story about how NAD's nads finally dropped. :Spin:
ahhh ... now i was eating an egg roll, that really looked like it was full of maggots ... half is in the garbage now
Obesity isn't something we can reduce by any legal measure, if someone has no problem with spending half their income on food and vegetates on the couch whenever possible it's not going to make a difference if you raise seating fares. I've read that about 25% of McDonalds' customers eat there at least three times a week, the thought of anyone pounding grade-Z rainforest mutant meat every other day makes me violently ill...
Ill put in my 2 cents, being sorta fat myself. while im not obese, I am overweight. I did get really big at one point a few years back, and have lost about 70 pounds since then. Still got some more to go, but am a comfortable fat dude.

And Yes, I do agree if you are so overweight, and you do take more than one space, it isnt fair for the other people. My mom was one of these people that was so much overweight, and it caused her untimely death. she could have beaten her disease if it wasnt for the obesity, and it really is a disease in itself.

Ok, so maybe my 4 cents...

evil c.
one time eating at IHOP, a woman came in, and asked for a seat, and then in an angry tone stated "AND I DON'T FIT IN A BOOTH"

why must they be so bitter about needing special accomodations?
One Inch Man said:
I passed the ultimate test some years ago, I had just gotten a big platter of Mexican food which included a bunch of rice soaked in red sauce. Flipped on the television and on the news was a special on maggots, shit looked IDENTICAL to what I was eating. Paused for a moment to contemplate my situation, then continued to eat while watching.

And that's the story about how NAD's nads finally dropped. :Spin:
Hahahahaa, fucking win! I, too, am utterly incapable of losing my appetite–a couple friends and I have carried on long conversations about aborted fetuses in the commons while all around us, students were quietly sick. It was awesome.

Regarding the topic, yes. Or triple. Quadruple. Anything to make Americans GET THE FUCK OFF THEIR FAT ASSES ALREADY. This country is morbidly fucking obese.