Should Guns n roses quit?

I honestly don't care any more. Axl's a dick.

The singer from The Offspring once joked that their next album would be titled Chinese Democracy: You Snooze You Lose, but unfortunately they didn't have the balls to do it.
Arg_Hamster said:
Should Guns n roses quit?

Yes, please. Unless Axl gives a shitload of cash to all ex-Faith No More-members so they can tour and make fun of Axl again.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Follw the Hamster :rock:
Riflewolf said:
Do you guys think GNR should quit, for me its a yes because Axl can't even sing anymore, and weighs like a billion pounds now. And they haven't released a fucking record in 15 years, and Slash and the other guys except Axl are in Velvet Revolver. Since 1997 they kept saying a new record "is coming soon". Now its March 2006 and still no word from the album.
What do you guys think?

yes, AXL should give it up. GNR already quit. When Slash and Duff left, it was the end.

On a side note, Slash should start rocking again and leave that rehab pussy behind.
yeah , real men have needles hanging out of their arms
R.I.P. Layne Stanley at least you died like a real man not some pussy !
DarbysDad said:
AFter seeing them on MTV a few years back, yeah call it a career. The band was actually decent but Axl was god awful. :Puke:

was he ever good? His vocals annoyed the shit outta me. The music was ok, but his voice. I like what J.H. said about him. "He has to use Sue Bee honey, makes his SANG LYK THEEIIS!"
Riflewolf said:
GNR is still around thanks to the stubborness of Axl, he needs to just accept that no matter what he does GNR is going nowhere, no matter how much members keep on leaving the group he always has to replace them with shitty musicians like buckethead. And its not the lead singer from STP (Stone Temple Pilots) that sings for GNR, its Velvet Revolver.
I thought Velvet Revolver should have called themselves "Guns without Roses" :lol:

Axl should give it up. At the very least, calling it GNR is false advertising, and if he wants to continue as a solo act, fine. But the new demo tracks I've heard are horrible songs.
I hope they dont quit yet as I bought tickets for the concert in Dublin. Any one as old as me will remember the release of appetite and what a classic it still is!!!!:rock:
it's ashame what you paid for is a bunch of hired guns (no pun intended) to play Slash and Duff's songs while Axl makes an attempt to "sing."

I don't even see how Axl has the BALLS to call what he is doing GnR.
Guns n fuckin' Roses isn't GnFnR without Izzy Slash and Duff. Fuck Axl, the psycho motherfucker.

Although I'm glad Tommy Stinson has work. Replacements rule!
rikkiblack said:
I hope they dont quit yet as I bought tickets for the concert in Dublin. Any one as old as me will remember the release of appetite and what a classic it still is!!!!:rock:

Yeah I remember when that came out. Although considered a "classic" I still never liked it. I agree with this song I heard on the radio. "when did Motely Crue become classic rock?" Ugh, signs of getting older.....
prime666 said:
Chinese democracy should not be released as Guns N Roses, it should Axl & Friends.

Its more like 'The Axl Rose Project', he should call it something like that. Its been so long since there was a new GNR studio album maybe it would be better to just let GNR be as he is just keeping the band name so he can still perform all those old songs. But if Axl can pull it off convincingly and theres still interest for new GNR then he should go for it, the question is can Axl do a new GNR album that stands up to the rest of the bands albums.

I know theres 3 songs from Chinese Democrazy..oops Democracy that have leaked on the net as ive seen them on mp3 sites, dont know if the entire album has leaked though.
the problem is;

1. No Slash

2. No Duff

3. Axl can not sing anymore (not sure if he ever could, honestly)

4. Axl is just trying to cash in on the GNR name.

5. Axl has ruined what little integrity he had left by fucking over Philly a few years back. (no, I was not there - so I am not saying that out of bitterness)

6. Axl is a complete wang, second only to Lars

7. Axl sucks

8. No SLASH???!!!

9. You can all see where I'm going here.
they shoulve quit after afd cause that was their only good record and the rest was :Puke:
they should rename themselves bums n posers