Should I buy a 5150III?


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
Guy is selling a 5150III for £750, and I'm thinking of buying it. Ola's clips are fucking amazing, but then... Ola makes everything sound fucking amazing!

I reckon it could be a good buy though. What you reckon?
I think i know which guy u r talking about;)

Contacted him as well.Was about to pull the trigger but i gave it some more thought and decided that i want something else.
750£ is a good price for a III imo. But judging from the 5150 shootout, all of them are pretty close sound wise.
So if you want 5150 tone + a clean channel in one box , then go for it.
If you dont care much about the cleans, then old 5150s go for 500-600£ on ebay
You'd be stupid not to. My brother has one - it does a variety of tones really well. I've never used it for super high gain stuff but obviously Ola has and has gotten some amazing results - great price too!
I definitely want GOOD cleans as well as good high gain, so the 5150/6505 was never really an option for me. Then I saw this amp. Think I'm gonna do it!!

If we r talking about the same guy, i did a search about his feedback.Seems like a good seller

I'll pm ya
I got to play one of these recently, and holy fucking shit, I was fucking floored.
Tight, articulate, crushing and huge on the high gain sounds, and some lovely clean tones in there.
Makes me depressed knowing I don't own one haha
I am! It's mine. Just gotta wait 10 days or so for the rest of the money, but he's holding it for me. It was really Ola's clips that pushed me over the edge. Obviously I don't expect to get that exact tone, but its inspired me as to what the amp is capable of.
Nah, he's above board. He's uploaded some nice chunky pictures.

The only thing I'm really concerned about is that my cab might not be good enough! Might need to buy a new one afterwards!