Should I call in sick to work tonight?!

What shall I ever do?

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well, for the last couple hours I was out of the house handling some errands I didn't speak to one english speaking person. All mexican, all espanol, all the time

'least you got to speak engrish
the law is here, that if you're sick, you get time off, no matter what. The company reserves the right that you get a doctors note (its an official paper thingy here) saying you#re actually sick. Most don't bother. I have a colleague who is always sick, he's either a douche bag or a sickly fucker.

Also if you get sick during vacation time, you get the vacation days back (with doctors note).
At my place of business, the first 3 days are taken out of your vacation time. The subsequent 4 days are drawn out of your sick bank. If you go more than 7 days you are automatically thrown on short term disability. Note that if you go 5 days you need to be cleared by employee health to be allowed to come back. If I call off tonight, I'll also call off tmrw to nip away at sick time that I have not touched since starting 2 years ago.

Honestly, I feel like just quitting. :lol:
I get 248 hours a year, and it carries over. Right now I'm at 150. I hate every human being known to man. My head is killing me due to going out in to civilization and running fuck all errands.

First I go and grab some sushi. This was a joyous occasion as I'm extremely infatuated with this geisha waitress who has the silkiest skin known to man. She doesn't put on any of those face packs Susperia clings to to give her flesh that vibrant glow. This calm experience was surrendered to liberal faggots (yes they were gay), who decided to sit next to me in a 60 seat restaurant that was completely empty during the time. I had to sit through a conversation on Michael Moore, Hillary, and negar Obama. I finished my meal and took my boiling blood elsewhere.

On to errand number two; I went to take care of a collections debt with blockbuster video. I kept a couple dvds 6 months past there due. Before any one jumps to conclusions, be advised that I spend $20 a month on a blockbuster online membership which I NEVER use. So anyhow, the twenty year old college liberal cocksucking nancy boy at the counter has the fucking gall to charge me $50 for Rescue Me Season 3 disc 4. My jaw hits the floor harder than Steve Wilson visiting Martin Lopez in rehab. I tell the young lad that I think it is absurd that I'm being charged $50 for a dvd set, while I am only being given ownership entitlements to one of the four discs. (Seriously, isn't that some fucking shit??!) The manager who looked like a young Benjamin Franklin saw things my way and charged me for the disc alone. My hypertension slowly died.

This is until I see a my pals on a street corner talking on a cellphone. Abraham Lincoln, I Fucking Hate You!!! :erk:

I then proceeded to the grocery store. Nothing of note to tell from that excursion.

Onwards I trekked to the post office. They' were all out of proper packaging so I was forced to pay an extra $5 on my exported goods.

On the way home I seen two more my pals waiting for the MTA. Ghastly experience all around. I nearly threw up on several occasions. Needless to say, my head is fucking THROBBING!!! :Puke:

hahaha :lol:
I haven't missed a day at all in at least a year or two. I don't get sick much, and the one time I tried to call in when I wasn't really sick I got shut down by my boss.
I've worked New Years, Memorial Day, Labor's Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving etcetera in 06 & 07.

I'm going on welfare, fuck this.

But you said this year.

I suppose New Years day is a major holiday despite the fact I never remember it.

Its the only day, aside from christmas/my birthday (same day), I've had off every year since I've started working at the fine young age I did.
When I call off, I speak to someone of the same rank as I. It's fucking awesome.

2 secs.

"Hey bro, clock me a sick ticket"

We're allowed to call in sick by voicemail to the district sales manager or our direct boss. But I don't feel good doing that. So I tried to level with the guy, and he pretty much pulled some "you must just be dehydrated, eat something and you'll be fine, but it's your decision" crap and it worked