Should I really pen a lengthy reply to this?


Apr 8, 2006
Hamburg, Germany
Ok, guys. I got this PN today:

"hey dude i relli dig ur sound im just wondering what u used to track drums .. let me no its sounds awsome keep it up

Am I the only one who's wondering if I should really type up a bunch of paragraphs if the original sender didn't even bother to write a decent inquiry? Maybe I am old, but my initial thought was to write "Mah 1337 haXX0r computer, brah!" ... :err:
to each their own
i dont like sharing how i do anything, other than generalities...

"how did you make that snare sound so good"

"a compressor"

keep it simple, dont give away secrets !

but if you're name is adam d, ignore everything i just said
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joeymusicguy said:
to each their own
i dont like sharing how i do anything, other than generalities...

"how did you make that snare sound so good"

"a compressor"

keep it simple, dont give away secrets !

but if you're name is adam d, ignore everything i just said
Why? Are you going to lose a gig to someone you mentored with the perfect tip?
Do you think your talent lies solely in the X's and O's?
come on joey, sharing is fun, and the coolest producers do it, particularly the host of this forum
@everybody's x: Tiredness or not, would you write an email to Terry Date like that? I am by no means a producer of Terry's caliber, but I think that a general amount of politeness is never wrong ... :)

@joey: I think that attitude will lead you nowhere. Most of the stuff I know, I learned from other people. And as everybody's x says: the really good producers have no problem in sharing what they know because in the end it's all about the vision. Also: you only know 5% of what's out there to know, even if you THINK you know it all and your mixes are TEH SHIAT. Trust me, when you look back at your mixes in 5 years, you will think "omg, what piece of trash mixes I made back then!".

I learned a lot of my electro-mixing knowledge from my friend Marc Acardipane (who's considered one of the world's top producers in electronic music) and no matter what I ask him, he always gives me an honest answer. We do it the other way around when it comes to rock/metal and real drums so we both benefit: my electro albums sound much better and his guitars sound much better too. Everyone wins (and we drink a lot of beer, too), haha :)


I got 23 (just counted them) private messages about my Engl guitar tone from this demo

and everyone was asking me about how I got the tone. I just miced it like everyone else on this board with a simple SM57 and then boosted the frequencies Colin Richardson talked about once, tweaked them and I was done. So if it wasn't for Colin, the guitars would probably be sounding less good. Needless to say, I was ecstatic when I got the sound and basically owe Colin a case of his favorite drink, but it also made me appreciate the value of sharing info with anyone ...

... as long as they ask NICELY!!! :)
smy1 said:
Ok, guys. I got this PN today:

"hey dude i relli dig ur sound im just wondering what u used to track drums .. let me no its sounds awsome keep it up

Am I the only one who's wondering if I should really type up a bunch of paragraphs if the original sender didn't even bother to write a decent inquiry? Maybe I am old, but my initial thought was to write "Mah 1337 haXX0r computer, brah!" ... :err:


That stuff gets me bent too. eBay guys are the worst. I'll go through the trouble of typing up an exhaustive description of the item I'm selling, only to have 14 guys message me asking something I covered in great detail. Then the horrible punctuation, spelling, and slang gets me.

Call me a grammar-nazi, but I believe it's a lost art, and in the Internet world, it can reflect on you personally (since body language, facial expressions, etc. can't be conveyed). I always feel safer when I message a seller on eBay and I get a neatly typed and proof-read reply. It makes me feel safer giving my money to a stranger, if that makes any sort of sense.
joeymusicguy said:
to each their own
i dont like sharing how i do anything, other than generalities...

"how did you make that snare sound so good"

"a compressor"

keep it simple, dont give away secrets !

but if you're name is adam d, ignore everything i just said

I understand where you're coming from, but you're getting in to some debatable territory when you call others techniques "secrets".

As far as I'm concerned, there are no 'secrets' per se, just techniques, as your ears are one of the most important factors to the sound you achieve..

Just IMO.
joeymusicguy said:
to each their own
i dont like sharing how i do anything, other than generalities...

I remember Andy saying that too, but then Peter Criss said: "Dude, ya gotta throw them some samples, just do it, trust me".

Fast forward to current: not only are we gogging the Criss kicks, but I think we have a shitload of 808 "snares" to pick from!

Lemme check for a link....
true true

by my bit at the end about adam d, i tried to show that i wasnt entirely serious, but i wasnt very blunt

sharing is cool ! but sharing with someone that doesnt diserve it "like someone that's gonna take what you share with them and run with it, and be greedy and possibly not share with you in the future", isnt!

hence my suggestion... why take time in explaination to someone that wants to type in "record cool guitar" into a computer, and have it all happen for them? not me
smy1 said:
Ok, guys. I got this PN today:

"hey dude i relli dig ur sound im just wondering what u used to track drums .. let me no its sounds awsome keep it up

Am I the only one who's wondering if I should really type up a bunch of paragraphs if the original sender didn't even bother to write a decent inquiry? Maybe I am old, but my initial thought was to write "Mah 1337 haXX0r computer, brah!" ... :err:

I personally wouldn't.

It really angers me when someone can't even take the time to write up a thoughtful inquiry. I mean, it's not MSN and you're stretched for time. You're asking someone to help you out, and you may as well take your time to do it properly.
yea I'm just thankful there are people that share stuff :headbang:

I hate when people think there too good to help others out but they come to places like this and ask question to Andy and others!!
smy1 said:
Ok, guys. I got this PN today:

"hey dude i relli dig ur sound im just wondering what u used to track drums .. let me no its sounds awsome keep it up

Am I the only one who's wondering if I should really type up a bunch of paragraphs if the original sender didn't even bother to write a decent inquiry? Maybe I am old, but my initial thought was to write "Mah 1337 haXX0r computer, brah!" ... :err:

I don't think you need to really put any effort into a reply unless they're putting any effort into the question. Anyway,

Hello Smy1,

How are you? I really enjoy the sound of your productions and I was wondering if you could share any of you techniques for tracking drums.

Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work!


(So can you tell us now that I've asked nicely?) ;)
broken81 said:
yea I'm just thankful there are people that share stuff :headbang:

I hate when people think there too good to help others out but they come to places like this and ask question to Andy and others!!

i've shared quite a bit for only being here like maybe a month?
this forum is priceless
smy1 said:
Ok, guys. I got this PN today:

"hey dude i relli dig ur sound im just wondering what u used to track drums .. let me no its sounds awsome keep it up

Am I the only one who's wondering if I should really type up a bunch of paragraphs if the original sender didn't even bother to write a decent inquiry? Maybe I am old, but my initial thought was to write "Mah 1337 haXX0r computer, brah!" ... :err:

Simple answer: ExpN$ve Mikrofones and pree's
