What should I be looking for in a used Mac Pro?


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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Trying to do a bit of research here about switching to Mac (again!) and just wondering what I should be looking for in a machine... With the current models I don't really have any problem picking one, but when it comes to used stuff I'm lost. I don't know anything about the previous lines or models in other years, nor how the same specs on a Mac stack up against a PC which is what I'm used to...

What's my best bang for the buck used Mac out there that can handle the requirements of modern digital recording and what prices for what machines generally constitutes a decent deal? I'll be using Logic 9 if that makes a difference.

Am I a lot better off grabbing a prior years model used or should I just suck it up and buy new?
The generation just before the newest is touted as the best, processor efficiency wise. Honestly, as long as you snag an 8 core, you're good to go. No sense in getting the quad, IMO, when the 8 is available!
Downgrading quite a bit with this idea, but I realized that if I go Mac Pro, I'm going to need a Macbook as well eventually to work on projects on the road since I am away from home 3 weeks out of every month for work... Do you think it's a good idea to grab a Macbook Pro, say the 15 inch 2.66ghz duo core with 4gb ram and 320gb HD, an external firewire HD for audio and connect that to my display in the studio for tracking? Sort of kill two birds with one stone for now until I eventually grab a Mac Pro... It just seems to make more sense to me to get the laptop first, assuming it will still be a fairly powerful machine capable of handling a decent amount of audio work... Anyone have any experience tracking to a Macbook Pro and an external drive?
Be aware that we are likely to see new quadcore Macbooks by about January, once the Intel Mobile Nehalem chipsets are out.

it may be worth holding off on that for a while.

In terms of the Mac Pro, try to get an 8core from the previous generation, as when Snow Leopard (specifically the Grand Central Dispatch technology) comes to fruition the 8 cores will really open up and be used to the full.
When looking at the computer, consider the cost of all of the extra internals that you want to add on (hard drive and RAM). Most likely you will be able to find the RAM and hard drives for less money. The downside to this is that you will then be voiding your warranty...But if it came down to it, you could always remove the non-stock parts if you have to get repairs.

My opinion on computers is that they are an investment and since technology is always getting better, you should get a machine that will last you for 5 years or more. With snow leopard coming out and developers being able to take full advantage of the processors, the new mac pros should be blazing.
So I just forked out $2500 for a Macbook Pro and Logic 9, just ordered it new with the student discount. I grabbed the 15" model with the 2.53ghz core 2 duo processor, 4gb of ram and 250gb HD. Didn't seem worth it to pay the extra $300 for the 2.66ghz, 320gb HD and the extra graphics card which I don't need. Think this will serve me pretty well? Still a pretty powerful machine, I can't imagine I'm going to come close enough to topping it out that the tiny bit of performance gain with the next model up is going to be a real issue.
Nice! I've been pricing them too, since I'm working with Final Cut Pro(video) and PT now. I'm waiting until January. Ifyou join the AES, you can get an even biger Apple discount than the student discount!:) Let us know how you like that laptop--I am looking at the same one, but I need the graphics card.
So I just forked out $2500 for a Macbook Pro and Logic 9, just ordered it new with the student discount. I grabbed the 15" model with the 2.53ghz core 2 duo processor, 4gb of ram and 250gb HD. Didn't seem worth it to pay the extra $300 for the 2.66ghz, 320gb HD and the extra graphics card which I don't need. Think this will serve me pretty well? Still a pretty powerful machine, I can't imagine I'm going to come close enough to topping it out that the tiny bit of performance gain with the next model up is going to be a real issue.

Congrats dude,
be sure to hit me up on msn soon and we can discuss the glory of Logic 9.