should I trade my JMP for...


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
should I trade my '78 JMP 2203 MV for a CHT Pittbull 50/st?
I used to have a VHT Classic head and loved it....I know the 50/st is not high-gain, but might be great sounding for lower gain stuff.....any experiences?
Hmm, I just thought the VHT might be a bit more versatile...
the only thing that makes me really thinking about not doing it is, that the unmodded 78 JMPs are becoming more and more expensive on the market and I'd really be pissed if I trade it and in 5 years I would have been able to get like 4000 bucks for it ;)
Hmm, I just thought the VHT might be a bit more versatile...
the only thing that makes me really thinking about not doing it is, that the unmodded 78 JMPs are becoming more and more expensive on the market and I'd really be pissed if I trade it and in 5 years I would have been able to get like 4000 bucks for it ;)


You've done fine without a VHT so far, right?

I hate marshalls with a passion, but something that old and unmodded needs to be kept...