Shpongle Enthusiasts


Brain Bubbled
Jun 2, 2004
So I was browsin' through the twisted forums, came apon a recent post by Simon.

We now have 5 tracks underway.... only one i am happy with, the one with all the recordings i made in india... the others vary from needing a mix, to needing a full re-work... we will be playing 4 of them at the roundhouse, where they will probably sound very different from what they will end up as, on the album.
The problem is trying to get Raj and myself in the studio at the same time..... we might be able to get a few days in december.... but it will be hard to get it done before next summer - that is when we are aiming for, however... the 3rd Younger Brother album will also be recorded during this time....
A good track will take 2 weeks of working from midday til 3 or 4 am every day... a crappier one will take a week...
So far it seems to be a good balance between Are you Shpongled, with some of those older moods and atmospheres... with some of the live playing of Tales of the Inexpressible... and some of the pyrotechnics of Nothing Lasts... but all more modern sounding.
As for a title, we don't have a lot of track names.... but for the album we like the word 'ineffable'.... i'm thinking "Ineffable Mysteries of ShpongleLand" or something....
Thanks for bearing with us!
x x x

They're also doing a live streaming of the show in England on the 31st. If any of you happen to watch it, do some recording, I got stuck working.