YES! I am happy :) :)

It is all fine and well to be pissed that people are stealing your music instead of buying it, but it's just pissing in the wind. It is possible to leak an album well in advance of street date, therefore someone will do it. It is possible to freely download anything that can be reduced to digital information, therefore someone will do it. It is possible to steal music essentially with impunity, therefore most people who don't have reasons of loyalty, ethics, or conscience, will choose to do so rather than spend their money. If, as a band in this new digital age, you are unable to inspire a sufficiently large and loyal fanbase to make a living, you aren't a financially viable band. Sorry, that's the harsh reality. You can choose to continue making music at a loss, hoping that you'll continue to expand your fanbase and gain loyalty as a result. You can try and rant on a forum in hopes of guilting people into buying your stuff. You can try a different business model, like a free music asking for donations tactic that has worked for a few artists. I can't say if any of these are viable, but no matter how many 'shoulds' you throw in, you will never, ever win an argument with reality.

Your options always boil down to these three things:

Change yourself
Change your situation
Accept unhappiness
After a few listens, I dig it. I'm not blown away by it like you dudes, but I can chillax to it.

Full version of the title track. This might be the most epic Shpongle song ever.

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I scanned the images in the cd layout on our fancy new scanner at work today. Here are a couple. I'll have the rest in a bit.




