I am disappointed from "Enemies of Reality"

  • Thread starter Thread starter TheAbyss
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Wolftribe said:
i went to this competition, and there was this Asian family competing, and their last name was wang.... and one of their poor children had the misfortune to be named Hairy.

Hahaha, time for a name change

When i lived in texas there was a family that had 3 kids, their last name was bozo, and for christmas one year their dad got all of them a legal name change to whatever they wanted.
id like to thank that abyss guy for actually not talking about the production when he talked about how he didnt like the album. i may disagree w/ him, but i respect his opinion
...i didnt know, that you guys already
chatted " enuff" about that topic.

Well, these were just my feelings about it.
But hey: It´s still my favorite band!
Hmm...they are playing tomorrow over here in Hamburg
and i cant get off from work...urgh.

But ThanX for your Comments (especially Tee for the pics ;o)

..and it seems like i started a "dissapointment series" in this Forum.


Greetz Abyss

Ps: I am so dissapointed about that Dissapointment Thread from that Dissapointment Thread from that......
and thoughs problems would be? spill it already!

by the way my account has been disabled for some strange reason.
maybe because you truly feel EoR is the best nevermore cd. dont be afraid to say it girly girl.
no problem girly.

welp as for EoR... if you dont see its true beauty than thats your problem, i guess.
My appologies for touching the subject.....I am new to the Nevermore board, so i haven't had to time investigate it...but:

WHY does the production and sound quality on EoR suck?...I think as an album it is just fucking awesome. The production just ruins it for me though. I have to turn the bass up everytime to hear the drums,bass,etc...

Did they have a low budget? Bad publisher? Producer?

Are they ever going to re-release it under better production?

If I can get a nice response...Thank you very much!...