Can we talk drumsamples?

@ Moonlapse:
Where did you get the ples from Machinae supermacy? I really like them and I would like to have this samples too
I love Andy's kick & snare, but I'm looking for a good resource for tom samples. I'm doing replacement with Drumagog of a recorded kit, so if anyone has any good gogs or just the indivdual hits, I'd appreciate it.
Moonlapse said:
I've yet to get into using a sampler other than Battery, which is making the whole randomizing velocities thing a bit of a tedious nightmare.
Well, you could try making a bunch of different sounding samples (say, 10 or so) and make a Drumagog file from them. Then use Drumagog ;) It does it automagically for you.
I've made samples of the Shadows Fall kick from The War Within that is sounding really nice. I nicked it from the beginning of the 2nd song I think...Can't remember. I'll be using Andy's samples as well when it comes time for replacements. I actually think I'll only use the snare and bass drum samples, as we have gotten really nice tom tones ourselves in the past. So, I'm going to try to make samples of our drummer's kit.
I'm now trying to make some samples of my OCDP 12x7 20 ply & Pearl Sensitone 14x5 (Brass).
Once finished I'll make GOG files and post some on here.
I don't have a shitload of expensive mic pre-amps sorry for that :).
Recording it with Shure SM57 on top Sennheiser MD421(-II) on bottom.
Also trying the other way around checking what would get the best sound.

I've never actually thought of taking time to properly make those samples of my snares, It would be really easy to do when I need something to be quickly done.
Here's one:
Pearl Sensitone 14x5.
Not finalized far..quickly recorded this and gave dropped some at 600 and put compression on it...all of those were the standard cubase effects :)..
I will spent more time tomorrow on this than I did now..which was just 5 that's easily done

SM57 on top, MD421(-2) on bottom, SM Pro Audio as a Pre-Amp :)....hehe..yeah I know what you're thinking..
I don't know if this has been said yet, but what about very first thing you hear when you pop in the 'This Godless Endeaver' cd? A snare! Do you guys think it's too processed to sample?
Black neon bob said:
Yes.. another sample thread.. but in this one, i am really curious where you guys actually get your samples from...

I used the pantera kick a couple of times.. recorded nothing with it though.. too clicky for me.. also, the snare of "far beyond driven".. i used that in a song as well.. just one sample though! but it worked, just not 100% happy with it so far...

Hmm.. let's see.. i use the samples Andy posted all the time in combination with DFHS.. i love those samples.. and i use the kick the most..

How do all those people in the metal production scene get their samples? do they create them themselves? nick em from an album of a band? or are these samples on a CD somwhere.. like bob clearwater's samples cd?

Really curious about this, and while there has been numerous threads about this, there is still no real explanation how someone get's their samples.. it's a bit mysterious, you know...

So spit it out! :tickled:

We make our samples bro...i've made it a point to make sure the jason and i both dont let samples that arent ours make it on the records anymore. Kind of a preference or mine, having to do with both a bit or pride and bit of security i suppose. I know that guys like andy and james most certainly make their own as well, maybe not all the time but most of the time for sure. Usually if we need an extreme sound i'll eq the sample and print both a hard eqd version and less eqd version. I dont normally print compression with the sample.