3 questions - Drumagog and CurveEQ


May 24, 2004
I have recently purchased Drumagog and have quickly tried to introduce Andy's snare samples into my drum tracks. First of all, when editing the samples should I try to cut the beginning of the samples as close as possible to the actual snare hit so that there is no space when the sample is triggered? And second, I have messed around with the controls but I can't get it to sound right on snare rolls etc... Seems like the samples aren't triggered fast enough even though I messed with the sensitivity knob or whatever it's called. I set up my tracks after I had bounced and imported the files from DFHS and used Drumagog on the snare's audio track. Should I try to do this before bouncing and just assign Drumagog to the snare's midi track? I don't know if it makes a difference or if it's even possible.

My third question pertains to CurveEQ which I have also recently purchased. Am I correct in assuming that it's best use in the mastering process of a song?

That is all.
About CurveEQ, I would answer : No. Just like Freefilter, it's no good to use that on a full master.

I personally don't use it on master tracks, only to roughly compare sounds and then use best sounding EQ to do the job.
Yeah.. Brett pretty much summed it up on the curve EQ question you have... i tried freefilter on the master on a couple of songs.. it strained the ears like crazy! i would not recommend that at all..
However... you could use it guitars and bass.. that really makes a difference sometimes.. look down or back up a page or two.. i have done a freefilter test with the EQ settings of the new exodus album.. in freefilter, i took out some high EQ since i will be using a lot synth and stuff like that, but i think it sounds pretty good with freefilter on.. you could do the same with curve EQ...
I guess that's pretty much what I expected to hear about the CurveEQ. I can still use it as a rough reference though.

What about my drumagog questions?
neverpurify said:
I guess that's pretty much what I expected to hear about the CurveEQ. I can still use it as a rough reference though.

What about my drumagog questions?

I'll do a separate snare track and slide it back a few milliseconds and go 100% replaced there. Then go ahead and blend the two using faders.