Question regarding Drumagog


New Metal Member
May 9, 2006
I d/l the demo of drumagog to try and help out my drum mix. My band is recording, and I'm trying to replace the kick on the DM5 with the DFH sonar kick sample. The problem that I'm having with it is that there is a lot of white noise when drumagog plays the sample. If I setup a midi track within cubase and use DFH through battery, it sounds great.

Is this normal? Do I need to have the samples in the same folder as drumagog? Should I be mapping drumagog to a midi track and use the samples from there? I've read the drumagog manual and set everything up accordingly, but the white noise is strange...
By signal, are you refering to the original track signal or the sample volume? I can't remember at this moment where I had the "compression" settings in drumagog at. I setup the one sample in drumagog and did a "manual" adjust on the volume of the sample to 5.4. The original signal isn't super hot in cubase playback, it's not close to peaking, around -10 or so.

Another question: I saw that drumagog had a midi in and midi out. The kick tracks have a few flames in them and I'm not sure how to fix the audio in cubase (quantize). Can I send a midi out from drumagog to a midi track in cubase, then quantize that track and rerecord it back to audio for processing using what ever sample I wish? I know this is probably a long way of doing it.
and in regards to your other questions, the samples can be wherever, and no you should be able to trigger from an audio source, rather than midi.