
Oct 17, 2005
Kinnear, Wyoming
Never heard of these guys till hangin around kevin and I JUST came around to listen to some their music.

I have to say.... I REALLY REALLY like these guys. I need to buy some cd's...

Thanks Kevin
Why do you think Derick, Kevin and I have been raving about these guys the past... uh... ever?
You're welcome, even though as far as I can tell you've discovered them all on your own heh.

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Wow, that's just an acid flashback waiting to happen. :goggly: Are the "lyrics" in some other language or is it just gibberish designed to fuck with your head?
The song in that vid is called "Divine Moments of Truth", which is based off the acronym of the drug DMT and the lyrics literally go something like this:

Doo bee doo be do DMT DEE EMMM TEE doo bee doo DMT circus mixed up something somethign something

Haha, I don't think those particular lyrics are supposed to mean anything. They're more for atmosphere and fitting the mood of the song, which is to represent the feeling of tripping on DMT. There are many other Shpongle tunes with lyrics in many different languages that have meaning though, and occasionally some samples of people talking, usually Terrence McKenna. Shpongle is obviously very influenced by the psychedelic experience and I believe that the music takes on a whole new perspective when you hear it on those kinds of drugs. The good thing is that it's amazing either way.

It's hard to play just one song for someone that's never heard Shpongle and say "this is what they sound like" because every album is different and every song on every album is different from the last.

I hear something new every time I listen to Shpongle and my mind is usually blown every time. It's almost unfathomable to me how perfect this music is in every single way. I've never heard anything more creative, positively weird and trippy and uplifting, energetic and just plain different. I don't really expect people (especially metal fans) to like Shpongle because of how unique and different (and trance-like) it is, but it seems like everyone I introduce to them in person at least appreciates it's greatness, if they don't instantly love it like I did.

It warms my heart to see this thread come up out of nowhere. I believe Simon Posford is one of the greatest, most creative and unique musicians in the world today.

Well said. <3

Tales of the Inexpressible is always the one I recommend to people. I have about half a dozen of them burnt at one time, just to hand out to people. :D
I do like to mix in some techno/trance music every now and then, especially while driving on a road trip or as background music when I'm doing something else that requires my attention. That song at least is right up my alley so I think I'm gonna go CD hunting now.
Yeah Tales is a good starting point because it rides the perfect line between electronic and organic. It's also the first Shpongle album I ever heard and I'm always most partial to the first thigns I hear from an artist or band. After hearing everything else, it's still the best in my book. I don't even want to try to explain what it sounds like. Just check it out and be prepared to hear something you've never even imagined existed.


p.s. Complete Deja Vu as I type this post. Cool.
I do like to mix in some techno/trance music every now and then, especially while driving on a road trip or as background music when I'm doing something else that requires my attention. That song at least is right up my alley so I think I'm gonna go CD hunting now.
Yeah Shpongle + quiet long drives at night = ultimate awesomeness.

Also... you gotta listen through headphones while laying down in complete darkness with your eyes closed, too. Don't forget to come back to reality when the album is over.
shpongle does indeed rule, one of my favorite 'techno' groups. i would also recomend Tales... as a starter. listening while baked enhances the experience, and shpongle + acid = winning combination. try it sometime.
i like it, i was never into that style of music until i got into synthesis/sampling and realized how god damn fun it is, i really wan't to get an old analog synth to make some cool techno patches.