
hey, thats the famous A tonal solos.

you should try and learn the major scales and the NATURAL harmonic minor. great for getting around the frett Board, i could tab some scale patterns for you and e.mail em, you would be surprised in 1 hour the difference it would make to your frett playing.

thanks for the video bro.
without doubt, him and james murphy are one of my giggst heros, the harmonic minor im playing is similar to stuff from the Symbolic album, (Crystal mountain). love his style and when i was 15 to 19 (only 25 now), individual thought patterns and symbolic were Holy to me so was Spiritual healing for james murphy.

now im realy into Michael Romeo, Gilbert and Holdsworth.

I'm no good at shredding, I play more rhythm guitar and acoustic (since I learnt classical) so I guess you won't get any vids of me shredding, but my bro's pretty good, I'll see if I can't get him to do a video of him shredding!
ok guys in the next few days i will tab out some patters i use, i will make some simple ones and then some more complex ideas and post em up. Ill do harmonic minor and natural harmonic, Mixolodian and Phrygian modes, when u use Them You will see a massive difference in ur playing in 30 mins, and even play to the chords E, F. G, just simple classic metal power chords.

take care guys and post some videos up, im gonna put a few more up for you to check out, take care
