Shroud Of Bereavement article in newest Metal Maniacs

dan of bereavement

shroud of bereavement
Jun 6, 2004
Amesbury mass
I just got news from MM, we will be in the newest issue, it's the issue with Obituary on the cover. So please go out and buy the magazine (and the album lol). We did the interview like 7 months ago, so I am eager to see this.
This will go good with the albums official release date (Aug 28th).

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :rock: :rock:
Yup, a pretty damn fine review is in the Jan issue of Metal Maniace (with Hate Eternal on the cover) I would type it out, but alas, I am a lazy fucker lately. I guess peeps will have to pick up a version if ya want to read it.

:kickass: :kickass: :rock:
Not sure if they post reviews on the internet or not, but you could probably take a pic of it, then upload it to Photobucket or something
We had an article on page 2 of MX Newspaper yesterday! it was so cool!
