Shylmagoghnar - Emergence, our debut


Aug 5, 2010
The Netherlands
Dear fellow Sneapsters,

I'm very happy to announce the release of the debut album I have been working on with my friend for a longer time than I dare to admit. It has been an important personal project to us for ages, and to finally get it out there feels amazing. This may not be my first audio production, but I think you will agree that releasing your own work feels like a mental shift.

The project consists of my friend taking care of vocal duties (and the final song is also completely his), and me handling the instrument section and audio side of things. It is a self-produced and released album.

We describe the genre as atmospheric/progressive black metal, but take that with a grain of salt; There are definitely some other influences in there, like melodic death.

I want you all to know that this forum has helped me to break some huge mental barriers (not to mention the incredible technical know-how that some around here possess) and I could simply not have done this without you guys.
On the audio side of things, there are some parts that I think we can easily improve on future releases, but that is actually one of the most important things this forum has given me: the ability to let go.

So thank you all for being you, and I hope you will enjoy our work!

PS: As to what the band name means... let's say that it may or may not have something to do with egg cartons? ;)
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I'm usually not huge on that kind of stuff, but this is really cool! I guess because it's not as black metal as it could be.
The audio side of things could sound more refined, but it's not bad or anything. Nice work!

Also yeeha, I find my username in your bandname :lol:
No idea if it has anything to do with the spanish meaning though.
Thanks Mago!

Ah, and you have found out that you have been my secret inspiration all these years... ;) Hehe, no it doesn't relate to Spanish or any language for that matter. It's basically a collection of sounds that left a certain impression on us, which we thought fitted to the music. So the meaning is very much a matter of personal interpretation :)
But now I wonder what Mago stands for?

I agree on both your statements btw. The genre thing has always been something we weren't too concerned about. I think that at some point I wanted to express certain emotions in music and figured out that the techniques and sounds used in subgenres of BM are a perfect fit. But the same goes for elements from melodic styles and death metal, and we ended up with this hybrid-ish sound. So we gave it a tag that approached it and rolled with it. As a result, we have often heard that 'hey I usually don't like this style, but I can enjoy this!' comment, which I think is great!

Audio-wise there is definitely room for improvement (the endless pursuit...). This album has been a learning project that has dragged on for years. As a matter of fact, it was the thing that got me interested in audio in the first place. But after some time you start to lose all objectivity and everything you do just makes things worse. To preserve my sanity I decided it's better to release our work with some imperfections and use what I have learned for the next round, instead of chasing my tail for all eternity. That was an important shift in my mind and I think it will help me greatly with general productivity in the future. Don't get me wrong: I'm quite happy with how it turned out. But it's important to remain critical of one's skills and keep improving.
taking something you dig and making it your own is pretty rad, and I think the labeling fits. it has a blackish vibe going for sure, but in a cool way ;)

Ah well if it draged for years you gotta finish it at some point. makes no sense to work on it forever. and again, it's not bad.
And the good thing is that you probably won't take nearly as long for the next thing you do :lol:

haha I think it means "magician" in spanish or so. No idea, I got the nickname in highschool (it's a "softer" version of "Marco") and only found out around here that it's also a "real" word ;)
And the good thing is that you probably won't take nearly as long for the next thing you do :lol:

Dear god I hope so! I might just throw myself off a bridge if I have to go through that torture again...

And don't you just love it when a name you have been using for years turns out to mean something completely different...
my nick and artist name has been Nimblkorg since I was 13 or so. It was just an amalgamation of sounds I liked. I didn't know the word 'nimble' , nor the 'korg' brand. Since then multiple people have asked me whether I am the synth-guy.
Or even better: some Swedish guy once told me it means 'little basket' around there. I might just have picked the cutest metal artist name ever :rolleyes:
I'm really enjoying this here dude! Writing and recording are certainly nothing to beat yourself up about. I think it all fits well. It has a kind of Amon Amarth "once sent from the golden hall" vibe mixed with later Immortal.
Thanks man, glad you dig it!

We get the Amon Amarth reference quite regularly, which is interesting cause they aren't really my thing. But I know that a lot of people love them, so I take it as a compliment :) And you hit the nail on the head with Immortal; their later albums have been a huge inspiration to me when I was starting out on guitar. No doubt that they have had an impact on my personal style. Nice catch!
Really cool man, I'm enjoying it a lot good job :D
And don't worry about perfection there's no such thing, it's all subjective and the mix fits the music really well :headbang:
Really cool man, I'm enjoying it a lot good job :D
And don't worry about perfection there's no such thing, it's all subjective and the mix fits the music really well :headbang:

Thank you! Also glad to hear that you guys like the way things fit together in the mix. That's the kind of feedback I come here for :)

That's some pretty dark stuff on your soundcloud as well btw; have had it running in the background for a while now. :kickass:
I've also noticed your Dissection cover. That band is probably my bandmate's favourite of all time. Nice one!

Now that I notice the 6505 in your profile picture:
The guitars on the album were recorded through a 6505+JCA20H with a TS7 in front of them. And the cab was....a Harley Benton 2x12 with V30 speakers!
Thank you! Also glad to hear that you guys like the way things fit together in the mix. That's the kind of feedback I come here for :)

That's some pretty dark stuff on your soundcloud as well btw; have had it running in the background for a while now. :kickass:
I've also noticed your Dissection cover. That band is probably my bandmate's favourite of all time. Nice one!

Now that I notice the 6505 in your profile picture:
The guitars on the album were recorded through a 6505+JCA20H with a TS7 in front of them. And the cab was....a Harley Benton 2x12 with V30 speakers!

Glad you liked my mixes on soundcloud :headbang: I'm only playing guitar on the Frost Legion song though (which is my band) the Dissection one is played by a member of this forum and the multitracks are available if you want to give it a try :)

Yeah i recently got a 6505 and it sounds awesome, i also have a cab with v30 on it, a Fame 4x12 haha basically it's the same as the Harley Benton but it was a bit cheaper probably not as good as a Marshall or Mesa however for the price it's quite good
Now that I notice the 6505 in your profile picture:
The guitars on the album were recorded through a 6505+JCA20H with a TS7 in front of them. And the cab was....a Harley Benton 2x12 with V30 speakers!

I dunno about the JCA20H, but I'm pretty sure a JCA50H+the HB 2x12 is the best bang for your buck setup you could get (not 2nd hand and europe. nothing beats 2nd hand 5150+Mesa OS in the US though) :headbang:
^ It really is. The thing with the JCA20H imo is that it pretty much just does one thing... but I happen to really like that thing! It doesn't come with an fx loop by default and needs to be boosted pretty hard to get heavy, but once boosted I enjoy playing it just as much as the 6505... sometimes even more. It's hard to explain why, but that amp always inspires me to play stuff that I would otherwise never play.

The HB212-V30 really surprised me. I never intended to record it when I bought it; I have an Engl412-V30 for that. I just bought it as a 'portable' alternative for practice sessions at my buddy's house. But I ended up picking it over the Engl for the album. The reason why was because the Engl imo has a very modern, defined, 'sizzly' kind of tone. Usually I love that, but for this album I wanted the guitars to be a bit darker, smudged, and sort of just blend together with the music. The HB did just that. :)