SICK computer desk. Wondering about replicating this one?


Im guybrush threepwood
Jun 16, 2004
Bristol, United Kingdom
I so would love to have one of these. FWIW, the computer spec inside it is outragous, and the main contributing factor as to why it costs 20 grand i'm sure. I just want the desk though. I wonder if there are any similar out there, with cupboards in place of motherboard housing! Would love to get a nice smart/sturdy marble top. I wouldnt even know where to start looking for one of these in the UK, and my DIY skills are rather limited and as such I think I would fail quite miserably in any attempt to replicate it :D

Here's a vid of it:


Looks neat but seems a little like form over function imho (as far as doing audio work is concerned). Would love it for pure gaming scenarios.
I expect Groove3 full tutorial for this in a couple of months, something like 'The Swordfish explained (or how to launch a nuclear missile)' :D