Sick mastering inside, Thoughts needed!

The mix is missing a lot of low end. Otherwise sounds good, but you should definitely reference this to a professional mix to check out the low end.
#1 wasn't there already a thread of this? and now you've turned the bass down too low..
Sounds good man! The only thing that irks my ears are the open low notes on the guitar, sounds kinda scratchy or weird ..... can't quite place it. But, I'm only on laptop speakers right now.
Cmon please give us some info on this! ;D

Your typical pod, slate mix but that's not my concerns right now, I am trying to get the mixing/mastering side of things better before i do my own things.

-But it's your typical pod guitar set up, some crazy settings thrown everywhere.
-Drums are compressed through a 1776 plug in, a series's of maxxbass, c4, verb, ozone on the drums.
-Vocals are an sm7b hard compression (really hard) into a 1176 plug in, psp, eq, de-ess. sent to a hall verb. Also every line is doubled and sometimes tripled to give an effect and power.
-Cymbals are a stereo pair of nt5s 2-3 feet above each crash, directly in the middle of the cymbal. with an at4040 room mic about 10 feet away. compressed hard and limited to get less snare bleed.
-Bass was some shitty bass with old strings ran into a sansamp than into pod farm, limited and slammed to a bus with a 1176 on it.

at 2:12 my brother who also records with me did some quest vocals!

Everything edited perfect.

In all i am trying to improve my producing/mixing side of recording right now!
why are you just helpful to absolutely nobody on here?

Thanks man! I think i remember you asking me what i did with my guitars a while back, If you still have trouble try recording a really nice guitar with new strings and good pick ups. I use a lot mid in the guitars. Also it's punchy because everything was tracked that way and is all directly on time with the grid. You could have the best settings/guitar ever but if it's not track tight you lose that consistent punchyness, IMO. these are probably my least proccessed guitars via pod, usually i have a psp, and c4 on the bus. but i was in a rush to get this mix out!
Excellent work on this sir. I feel like it could sound a little more bright and more attention could be paid to the stereo imaging, but regardless this is a very desirable mix. What Amp/Eq did you use for the guitars?