Sick mastering inside, Thoughts needed!

genre: slatecore

Your typical pod, slate mix but that's not my concerns right now, I am trying to get the mixing/mastering side of things better before i do my own things.

-But it's your typical pod guitar set up, some crazy settings thrown everywhere.
-Drums are compressed through a 1776 plug in, a series's of maxxbass, c4, verb, ozone on the drums.
-Vocals are an sm7b hard compression (really hard) into a 1176 plug in, psp, eq, de-ess. sent to a hall verb. Also every line is doubled and sometimes tripled to give an effect and power.
-Cymbals are a stereo pair of nt5s 2-3 feet above each crash, directly in the middle of the cymbal. with an at4040 room mic about 10 feet away. compressed hard and limited to get less snare bleed.
-Bass was some shitty bass with old strings ran into a sansamp than into pod farm, limited and slammed to a bus with a 1176 on it.

at 2:12 my brother who also records with me did some quest vocals!

Everything edited perfect.

In all i am trying to improve my producing/mixing side of recording right now!

you've heard this a thousand times dude...but excellent work, what 1176 are you using?