Sickness - death/thrash/vegetarian rock song by total newbie :D - dropped B tunning


Apr 18, 2009
Hi guys! This is my new recording I made using Revalver MKIII plugin (Peavey 6505 amp, final-newIR and Grind impulses) , Epi SG GX Custom guitar with Gibson Dirty Fingers, broomstick bass and drumsite plugins.

Song genre: metal/thrash mixed with rock :p

Thanks for any advices!
... Vegetarian rock?

Why do people have to involve their dietary choices in music? For that reason alone I am not even going to bother listening to this.
... Vegetarian rock?

Why do people have to involve their dietary choices in music? For that reason alone I am not even going to bother listening to this.

Ehh.. That's a joke. Check this out:

[Vegetarian Progressive Grindcore :kickass:]
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i like the crispness of the drums (superior drummer i guess?)

actually i do not like the first part at all - well except some riff work.

but the guitar tone: it reminds me of the screech of twisting a rubber balloon. it is really cold, lifeless, and pod-like. if i were to suggest anything i'd maybe add a dark and smooth amp(sim) to the mix.

this part begs for a thicker sound with a little less scoop and fizz.
I wonder if you plan to add any vocals?

ohhhhh wait: i think the wisest thing to do would be to start by swapping the bass for a live one, that is really going to have a big impact on the overall sound and feel of the mix.

now take a listen to the second part cause it is really the moment when things start to get interesting. the tones fit this part much better with the keys warming things up considerably. i am just not too sure about the levels of individual groups like guitars and keys - at moments they seem to compete for attention a little bit - well maybe that was intentional?

the drums go into backgound mode here which actually is a good thing.

what more? well, rock on!