Sidechain Gate

Actually waves does have one, but it's got a kind of roundabout way of doing it. You have to make a stereo bus and route the track you're keying to the left channel and the track you're gating to the right channel. Then put the C1 Comp - Gate on the Stereo Bus and set the Key mode to "L -> R".

edit: When you do this, you'll notice that the track on the right on the right is gated with the one of the left as the key, however if you're gating snare or toms, for example, you don't want this track panned all the way to the right, so you have to use the stereo panner to pan the right channel to the center. Then you could bounce the file to disk and you have a mono, gated track, just like you wanted.

edit 2: If you're talking about EQ Sidechain, the Waves C1 has that too. Just hit the button towards the bottom of the gate column (I can't remember what it says initially) until it says Sidechain and adjust the EQ on the bottom to your liking.
I must be stupid or something. I couldn't get GoldenGate to work.
Two tracks. Tom1 Tom1U (u=bottom skin).
Now Tom1U should trigger the gate for Tom1 but when I set it up like the manual says (---- for Tom1Us trigger and Gate1 for Tom1s trigger) all I hear is Tom1, Tom1U is dead silent.

What am I missing?
Noumenon said:
I must be stupid or something. I couldn't get GoldenGate to work.
Two tracks. Tom1 Tom1U (u=bottom skin).
Now Tom1U should trigger the gate for Tom1 but when I set it up like the manual says (---- for Tom1Us trigger and Gate1 for Tom1s trigger) all I hear is Tom1, Tom1U is dead silent.

What am I missing?
That's what's supposed to happen. You're using it as a key, usually people don't want to hear the key. If you want to hear it as well as use it as a key, just duplicate it and send one to the gate and use the other like you would any other audio track.
Okay. The button is greyed out. But it doesn't really matter, in the real world I'd be using triggers anyway. Just epxerimenting with dfhs :p

One thing though, with the waves gate I can gate it so just the initial pop/smack/hit is heard, nothing else. However with GoldenGate I get tons of tail. The waves gate is set to attack 0.01, hold for 5.04 and release on 33. But those settings on the GoldenGate don't give the same result.
One of the best gate I know is the one included in the Ultrafunk Sonitus FX pack. It has sidechain filter (not a real key-in though).Unfortunately, I think it's bundled with cakewalk sonar only now.
Hey brett, how do you set it to really cut off the sound after a _short_ time?
I always get a lot of tail, unlike with waves comp-gate.

On another note, GG is by far the simplest sidechain gate :) no more fooling around with group tracks etc.
Piece of cake : set the Hold (time the gate remains open) and Release (time it takes it to close) to very short times... Playing with the Release curve helps also (you can switch it from Soft to Logarithmic and Linear). Minimum value for the Hold is 0ms, 20ms for the Release. Also make sure your threshold is good (the wave view is very useful for this)...
well, I had them at their minimum and I still got alot of tail.
The threshold is set so the peak just go above the threshold.

edit: nevermind, I found out the problem. I edited the wrong gate. I edited the gate that supplies the gate.