Need a good VST or DX gate with side-chain

Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
Hey fellas,

I'm searching for a good noise gate that could be triggered with another track than the one on which it is working... A typical example of this would be to open the gate on a "miced snare" track when the "triggered snare" track plays a sound. Kind of like the MIDI Gate in Cubase, but with Audio... Anyone have an idea ? Thanks in advance !

The Waves C1 gate works with the setup that's listed on the site of that freeware plug that you found.

Man, the most baffling aspect of Cubase SX is the lack of a true side-chain feature. You have to get crazy just to side-chain gate one freakin' track.

By my count, it requires a clone track of your key (nudged forward a few ms to trigger the gate and not lose the attack transient) assigned to a stereo buss with the target track, then the (gated) output of that buss is assigned to a mono buss so you can pan your target track (unless you just want to leave it hard left or right).

If anyone has a better way of doing this, please let me know!

The Sinus plug looks interesting, but does it require all the fuckwith of the L > R keying?
Concerning the free plugin I've found, you put it on a bus track, send the original mono signal to be gated to the left, the mono trigger signal to the right (nudged forward as you said), and that's all, the gate signal is panned in the center. There is also a stereo way to go but I didn't figure out how to make it work, maybe with a surround bus or something...
I didn't try the GoldenGate yet... Will do asap !
Ok just tried it (GoldenGate), it works like a charm. No need for a bus or anything, and it's already stereo. Just open one insert on the original track, one on the triggered track, and in the original track's inserted plug, select the trig source. Very good ! And for less than $20, it's almost free !

Edit : It might also be possible, I guess, to nudge the triggered track 5ms forward, put the gate, then on the next insert put a 100% wet delay at 5ms to get it back in good working timing. Don't you think that would be more practical than having 2 tracks for the same thing ?
Ok, I finally tried the Golden Gate and it rules. Yeah, $20 well spent!

Thanks, Daunt and Brett!

Brett, the delay thing should work fine in theory, but if it's something like a kick or snare track, I'd probably just clone it and not risk losing any fidelity to the processing. Just my opinion, of course!