Sidechaining on Reaper


Oct 6, 2007
Madeira - Portugal
Hey, could anyone here explain me how to do sidechaining on Reaper? I'm trying the Kick/bass "duck method" :ill: but I can't figured out how. I tried the Reaper manual and his forum but there is something that doesn't work right. I'm sending the kick to the bass track but no results. Any help is welcome. Thanks :)
You need to use a compressor that supports sidechaining. It only works with those that do. ReaComp supports it, so I'll use it as an example:

1) Create a new track and make it a folder track. Make it have 4 track channels (in the I/O panel)
2) Move the track that you want to duck (bass) within that folder
3) Move the track you want to trigger the sidechain with (kick drum) above the folder track

4) Send the kick drum to input 3/4 of the folder track
5) Add ReaComp to the folder track and change the Detector Input to "Auxiliary Input L+R"
6) Click on the 4 Ins button and make sure that Main Input L receives from track 1, Main Input R receives from track 2, Auxiliary Input L receives from track 3 and Aux Input R receives from track 4

Now it should work :) Everything within that folder will be ducked by the kick drum.
Have you tried the Reaper forum? Theres a quick rundown on one thread by Justin (the creator) about how to sidechain bass/kick.
i used Torniojaws' example (thanks), but there is one in the 2.00-2.020 Reaper manual (pdf, Section 12.5 Audio Ducking - pg. 231) that does a pretty good job too. it offers one more bit of advice concerning how to set the compression once you get the 'duck' setup.

i've been meaning to do this for awhile - and finally got to it this morning. works great. the next challenge will be setting the compression correctly so it does what it's suppose to WITHOUT screwing something else - namely the bass.
I've allways wondered how this sidechaining trick will sound. I don't have my equipment here with me now so I can't try it myself, if someone had an example to post here it would be cool! Or if there is an obvious example on some well known album.