Sieges Even at Biebob on January 8 2006


Henri Serton
Staff member
Aug 31, 2001
Eindhoven; Rockcity!
On the night of January the 8th it was time see again a very special band for me. Sieges Even. Having seen them last on the Headway festival in 2004, I was very curious how they would perform now that they had the chance to prepare themselves over a longer period of time and how the new songs would sound.

My wife and me left around 14:00 hours to Belgium were we would go to my friend carnut and where we would have dinner. After having a great time at carnuts place [again!] we left for Vosselaar to see Sieges Even and perhaps a little bit of Dead Soul Tribe. When we entered the place it was, to my great disappointment, not exactly crowded. On the other hand however, you could stand were you wanted so that was great. We walked up to the mixing table to see Arno standing there. He saw us right away and greeted us and told me they thought I was sick Friday because I was not there in Amstelveen. I told him he was right, I was sick that day. I looked to my right and there was Markus. We greeted each other and I told Markus and Arno how much I liked the new album.

We chatted a little bit and then it was time for them to go and prepare for the gig. Carnut and my wife took a seat at the side of the venue while I moved towards the stage as the band walked on. IT WAS GOIN TO START!! Arno pointed at me signaling he wanted me to stand at the front. There was no place I’d rather be!! What followed was one of the best concerts I ever saw. Although the rest of the audience was a bit quit in the beginning, later Sieges Even got more and more applause and cheers.

The sound was great!! I noticed how relaxed the band was now. The last time I saw them, in 2004, they were intensely focused on their material. Now they were just enjoying themselves. It was great to see. Arno cracked a few jokes now and then and won over the crowd with his relaxed attitude. His vocals were sublime by the way, as was the performance of everybody. I was right in front of Oliver and it was an amazing sight to behold! I guess Alex and Oliver are one of the best rhythm sections in Europe! I am not a musician but I got the feeling Markus was keeping it all together with his intricate, complex and beautiful playing.

Highlights were “The Weight”, “Prime”, “The Waking Hours”, “The Ones Who have Failed”, “The Lonely View Of Condors”, “Styx”, “Stigmata” and “Unbreakable”. Great show guys!

I was disappointed that they were not given a chance to come back and play a few extra songs. The second they left the stage the music was back on. Damn!!

I hooked up with my wife and buddy carnut again and we looked as Dead Soul Tribe was building up their gear. After while I walked towards Arno to tell him we would be leaving. We started talking about this and that and then Alex suggested we talked near the bar were the sound was not so loud. And so we did. Later we all left for a nearby bar were some good Belgian beer was consumed and we talked about music Sieges Even, their future and music and life in general. I was great getting to know them. They are smart, friendly and silly! We said goodbye around 11 o Clock and we headed back to the Netherlands feeling satisfied and pleased about the evening.

Anro, Olliver, Alex and Markus. Thanks for giving us such a nice evening with fantastic music and great conversation. See you next time and greetings from Petri, carnut and that weird old guy!
Yeah, I really enjoyed this gig !!
I wasn't really into Sieges Even, as they lean pretty much to progrock in stead of progmetal I didn't give their last CD a real good chance...But seeing the band live truly changed my mind. They are a very, very proffessional sounding band that really deserves to get full attention ! They bring a kind of music that hardly can be compared with another band, is very complex and full of hooks. Bringing such (difficult) music in a virtually error free set (well, I'm not the specialist, but hardly noticed mistakes) gave me big respect for the band! Unfortunatly very unknown in Belgium , there wasn't a big audience, but I'm sure the people present are spreading the word now!
It was fun to be able to meet the band after the gig AND going to a quit pub for a talk and a drink. The band members all are very friendly, and it seemed we share the knowledge and love for alot of 80's bands... Well, it didn't feel like we were sitting around with pretty famous people (drummer of Rhapsody and bass player of Blind Guardian are in Sieges Even) , just normal down to earth guys that enjoyed talking some music!! I wonder if this still will be possible in a few years from now, I got a good idea this band can become much bigger when more people get to know them...

Well, also a little word about Dead Soul Tribe...we watched 4-5 songs I think, but I thought it to be ... boring....I like their last record but live didn't grab me at all ....
Hawk said:
It seems we are the only two guys knowing about and enjoying the music of Sieges Even :).

naa, don't think so..okay, not everyone knew them, but I saw alot of people enjoying them, really! But you can't see that standing in front and floating away on the music, remember :loco:
Great review! I'm jealous. Sounds like it was an awesome show. “The Lonely View Of Condors"!!!! I am sooooo jealous. :rock: :hotjump: :rock:

That's too bad about DST. I like their stuff a fair bit and wondered about their live show.

Hopefully, someday I'll get to see them both!
carnut said:
naa, don't think so..okay, not everyone knew them, but I saw alot of people enjoying them, really! But you can't see that standing in front and floating away on the music, remember

Thats certainly true. :) :rock:

Wheezer said:
Great review! I'm jealous. Sounds like it was an awesome show. “The Lonely View Of Condors"!!!! I am sooooo jealous. :rock: :hotjump: :rock:

That's too bad about DST. I like their stuff a fair bit and wondered about their live show.

Hopefully, someday I'll get to see them both!

Hey buddy, if you like "The Art Of Navigating By The Stars" Try and pick up "A Sense Of Change". Thats also an awesome album!! :rock:
Hawk said:
Hey buddy, if you like "The Art Of Navigating By The Stars" Try and pick up "A Sense Of Change". Thats also an awesome album!! :rock:

I just picked that up at Laser's Edge. Thanks for the heads up. I'mlooking forward to it.
carnut said:
Well, also a little word about Dead Soul Tribe...we watched 4-5 songs I think, but I thought it to be ... boring....I like their last record but live didn't grab me at all ....
I saw Dead Soul Tribe last year and really enjoyed their set, especially the awesome drumming :) I also dig their records, even though Devon Graves has taken a different path from Psychotic Waltz.

Never seen Sieges Even live yet.
Fangface said:
I saw Dead Soul Tribe last year and really enjoyed their set, especially the awesome drumming :) I also dig their records, even though Devon Graves has taken a different path from Psychotic Waltz.


Well, it was that drumming that put me off in fact :ill: ....ah, tastes differ , can't argue about it...
Fangface said:
Never seen Sieges Even live yet.

Wait until you do. You're in for a treat!

Wheezer said:
I just picked that up at Laser's Edge. Thanks for the heads up. I'm looking forward to it.

Thats a great album and it will keep on growning once you know it. Very special. :)