Hawk Henri Serton Staff member Aug 31, 2001 6,632 44 48 66 Eindhoven; Rockcity! Dec 21, 2003 #1 http://siegeseven.com/start.htm Hint, hint See them at Headway 2004
ProgMetalFan In the attic Jan 3, 2002 4,630 12 38 PITTSBURGH Dec 22, 2003 #2 Sieges Even is one of the greatest bands ever, and I am elated to see them back together! I can't wait to hear "The Art of Navigating by the Stars"! NP: Death Machine - "Loss For Words"
Sieges Even is one of the greatest bands ever, and I am elated to see them back together! I can't wait to hear "The Art of Navigating by the Stars"! NP: Death Machine - "Loss For Words"