#1 Rule, it's just stuff. Yeah it can piss you off, but nothing is worth getting hurt over. Stuff can be replaced, your health maybe not.
Thank you. I just have to keep remembering that. It was easy to say that with the fire because with the fire, the stuff being burned isn't the motive (at least not in the situation I was just in).
With this it's almost a personal attack I don't work 8 hours a day so I can buy stuff for a complete and total stranger who's been dealt a shit hand and feels entitled to it. Although again, you're right (and everyone else who's said it...) At least we weren't home and we weren't hurt.
Like JamieK said though, it's a total invasion of security which is what is leaving me uneasy... as well as the confusion as why they would go through everything but take *nothing* and then the officer thinking I left my windows and doors open. It was almost a triple whammy.
But I did find finger prints and called the officer back over so he could see that I wasn't lying. He pulled the storm window down and saw where they wrapped their hands under the window then pushed up on it. He thinks it was a juvie.
I took the day off work. My nerves are still shot, but am trying to be proactive as I can. I installed new window locks (each now has 2 as well as dowels in the tops so they cannot be opened) and bar locks on all the doors (and finally got around to installing the fire extinguishers in the hallway).
Sure I know that if someone wants to come in, I can't stop them, but I don't want to make it easy and I do want them to be as loud as possible so the neighbors can hear them.
I've told all my neighbors that I'm going to be the old crabby woman for a while and if I see anyone in my front walk way I'm calling the police and asked them to do the same. I also told them that I WILL be yelling at ANY kids in that area period. If they didn't want me yelling, they should make sure that the kids aren't playing there as there is no reason to be.
Thanks for the support everyone. That's why I love you guys and consider y'all my extended disfunctional family.
Hugs back to everyone!